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HOW TO SCULPT A SIX PACK   SIX PACK ABS I'm often asked is how to achieve a six pack.  It's a lofty goal for some but very achievable with hard work, endurance along with clean eating. You can have a tight, sexy mid-section by following my Six Pack Ab program. By committing to it you will have a killer washboard stomach within 90 days (if you don't have a lot of weight to lose and if you do it will just take you a bit longer). It's not easy but it's well worth your time and energy to work towards such a lofty goal. DO YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES?   First you need to look at your family's genetics. What is your physique like now? How about your family, what are your parents and siblings figures like? Do they carry most of their weight in their abdominal area or the bottom half? If you carry your weight mainly around the middle then it will take you a bit longer to see your awesome six pack than those that carry their weight around the lower ha