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Showing posts with the label self confidence


HOW TO CREATE A HOME GYM ON ANY BUDGET There's nothing more empowering than feeling and looking your best. Having a lean physique is not only attractive but it's uplifting to your body, mind & spirit. You can do so much more when you're stronger and in shape. If you struggle with finding time to go the the gym then creating your own home gym may be the answer.  The only way to achieve a fit physique is to thoroughly commitment to living my LivFit Lifestyle. Exercising 5 to 6 days a week is critical to enable you to accomplish your fitness goals and dreams. By doing 30 to 45 minutes of cardio each morning, weight lifting and eating a clean diet you can transform your physique. Anyone can achieve their fitness goals and dreams - including YOU!


LOVE WHO YOU ARE People are drawn to positive people. Being happy and looking your best is not only attractive but also inspires others to do the same. When you walk with your head & chest held high with a smile on your face you will naturally have a higher self-esteem. Your body languages also express how you feel about you. When you walk with confidence you will be admired from afar and by those you hold close to your heart. Love all that you are with all of your heart… After all, you were created to have a life filled with love, joy & abundance.  The larger part of you is spiritual, it's a power being within of pure positive energy and light.  When you love yourself fully you will connect with your higher-self, you will be able to shift your way of thinking from doubt to that of accomplishment and success.  Give yourself the gift of love.  Love everything about you.  Your body, your personality, your family, your home, your hobbies and your gifts.  You are tru


8 FAT BURNING FITNESS TIPS FOR WOMEN It’s that time of year again ~ swimsuit season is just around the corner.  To transform flabby under arms and a saggy behind lifting weights is a must.  You don’t need to go to a fancy gym to workout, you can create your own gym at home. All you need are an assortment of dumbbells, a bench, a mirror and a cd player to play music that will pump you up for a good solid workout. Here are 8 tips to assist you in reaching your fitness goals.  Learn to love strength training as you do your body will transform easier than doing it begrudgingly.  Be happy and think positive to ensure you’re mindset is in the right place to achieve success!  And most of all have fun!  Make working out fun and exciting, talk nicely to yourself and look forward to your workouts, your body will thank you for it by releasing fat store easier and build muscle sooner.


 How to Create Your Dreams with the  PO WER OF YOUR MIND Do you really want to change your life? Do you really want to be happier, healthier and more prosperous? If so, then I have good news for you... You can change your life simply by changing your thoughts, feelings and emotions.  It may sound too easy to be true, but it is. Think about your life so far, your life experiences now are a direct result of what your past thoughts were. Think about when you thought about most last week and see how it was created in your experience today. For instance, if you had feelings of feeling fat the you most likely craved unhealthy foods. 


LOVING YOU Do you love yourself unconditionally?   Do you think positively and speak kind words to yourself when you make a mistake.   Who do you see in the mirror looking back at you?    We all have our ups and downs, it's part of life.  I struggle time to time with keeping my spirits up, but when I feel down I know that it's my higher self reminding me that I'm off track to receiving and creating that which I dream for.  I quickly regroup and get back on track by choosing to be happy and to look for the good all around me.  I soon become my happy, optimistic self once more.