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Showing posts with the label power of thought


Change Your Mindset to Change Your Life It  doesn't  matter what area you want to improve life using mind power will sure change that which you desire. From having more loving relationships to making more money, your mind is your greatest tool of creation. It  deliberately  putting the Law of Attraction into action ~ like always attracts like.  By thinking on purpose with clarity and intention you will shift your dominate vibration to that of faith, confidence and belief. The mind is an extremely powerful instrument of creation; in fact, everything in life that is attainable begins with a thought first—including a hard body!  That’s because all thoughts are energy which goes out into the Universe and organizes matter which is then attracted back to you—in all areas of life.

Manifest Your Dreams with Energy of Thought

  Manifest Your Dreams with Energy of  Thought I love that we can innately create and manifest our lives intentionally with purpose, passion and conviction. All thought is energy which has a vibrational frequency that vibrates out into the universe organizing unorganized energy matter which then is attracted manifested back to our experiences as the Law of Attraction is in action.  Happy, blissful thoughts bring about happy feelings and high vibrations which then creates a happy life, and so it is with having negative thoughts, it too has energy; however, it's a low daunting energy which attracts back to you more reasons to be negative about. When you let go of negativity you open your heart and mind to that of spirit which brings about love, contentment and serenity.