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Showing posts with the label paleo recipe

Paleo Low Carb Protein Spiced Pumpkin Cookies

Paleo Low Carb Protein Spiced Pumpkin Cookies I absolutely LOVE this time of year! I relish the smell of fall in the air and joy of baking delicious fall desserts for my family.  I enjoy baking traditional recipes for my family, however, I don't eat sugar nor do I eat wheat or high carb flours.  Sugar and high carbs only cause weight gain and inflammation in the body, which is why I eat a clean diet free of trans fats, processed foods, sugars and high carbs.  Protein is also a high priority in my diet, I incorporate protein into my recipes when fitting. I use whey protein isolate in all my baked recipes.  And for good reason, protein keeps blood sugar level and aids in maintaining muscle mass, which is a must for me to keep my lean physique. So needless to say, I make up a lot of low carb recipes to suite my diet and to continue to have fun baking for my family and friends.