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Showing posts with the label life coach

How To Do Mirror Work to Learn to Love YOU!

How To Do Mirror Work to Learn to Love YOU! Self-love is the core of having a high self-image and self-respect, it is an important aspect of self-development and improvement. Many of us struggle with feelings that we aren’t good enough, or have feelings of self-doubt, or catch ourselves mumbling unkind words when we make a mistake far too often.  I’m no acceptation, I, too, have down days now and again and have to do my best to get back on track with having love and adoration for myself. But, luckily, there are several tools we can use to enable us to come to love and accept ourselves at a profound level, one such tool is doing an exercise referred to as mirror work.  

Ask and It Is Given: How to Create Your Life Intentionally

Almost everyone has heard the saying, “Ask, and it is given.” Well, to those who do not understand the principle of the meaning, it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. To “ask and receive” is an intentional request that resonates with the body, mind and spirit as a whole.  To ask is to move forward in faith, believing that by the grace of God, the endless powers of the universe will orchestrate that which is needed to fulfill what you ask for. However, it takes more than simply asking, you must have hope and faith first, believing that you will receive that which you ask for. As found in Matthew 7 : 7 & 8 -  7 “Ask and it shall be given you: seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: 8 For everyone that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.” That implies to all areas of your life, in addition to connecting with God and Christ. Isn’t it a profound thought to contemplate that anything you ask for

Carol Whitaker Interview with Tina Nies

Let's talk about being Ridiculously Happy with Carol Whitaker I enjoyed my interview once again with Tina Nies. She's an absolute delight, and an excellent show host. Sit back and grab your favorite beverage, and be prepared for a fun, carefree interview with  some laughing and great conversation about love. Let's talk about being Ridiculously Happy with Carol Whitaker 05/16 by Tina Nies | S

How to Stay Motivated to Live Fit

How to Stay Motivated to Live Fit Embrace Living a LivFit Lifestyle There's nothing more satisfying than achieving your ideal body weight by living a LivFit Lifestyle. Being healthy and fit is not only attractive, but it's incredibly empowering! The only way to achieve a fit physique is to by committing to living a LivFit Lifestyle. Living a healthier way of life doesn't come by merely working out and eating clean now and again, it’s a  lifestyle . It’s about living a healthier way of life to become all that you desire to be.

Embrace the Power of Emotions

Embrace the Power of Emotions Emotions are often overlooked as just something that we all feel each moment of each day. Little do many of us know just how  powerful emotions  really are.  Emotions have energy of vibrational frequencies at a quantum level.  The more emotional charge you have about something or someone, the more powerful the vibration.  The image above illustrates the power of emotion. Refer to it often when you are feeling emotionally stuck. You can see that having thoughts of doubt, fear, jealously and unworthiness does NOT serve you, but rather, thoughts of love, joy, hope, passion and enthusiasm does. 

6 Tips to Be Happy Now

5 Tips to Be Happy Now How often do you catch yourself complaining about how difficult life is? Do find that you're constantly struggling with having peace of mind? Living is in a state of frustration and worry is not a fulfilling way to live.  Fortunately, you have the power within you, right now, to improve your quality of life. YOU have the power of choice. You are free to think, feel and act however you choose. You can continue doing what you've always done, or choose to think and act differently to get different results. 

What to Eat to Lose Weight and Gain Muscle

What to Eat to Lose Weight &  Gain Muscle I'm often asked what to eat to lose weight and gain muscle. If you want to fuel your muscles instead of your fat stores, then make eating clean a top on your priority list. Eating clean consist of eating protein with eat meal and snack. I've enjoyed the benefits of eating protein with every meal I eat, including snacks. It keeps me lean and aids in keeping me in tip-top shape. To sculpt a lean physique you need a diet packed with macronutrients which consists of lean proteins, complex carbohydrates and good fats. If you train at least 5 days a week consistently and aren't getting the results you want, then you need to take a step back and think twice about your diet.

6 Tips to Shed Pounds Fast

6 Tips to Shed Pounds Fast If you want to shed a few pound then you're in luck, below are tips to do just that.  Portion control is essential to master for a health and wellness. I'm often asked what to eat to lose weight and build muscle, my answer is always the same, to eat a small balanced meal every three hours to jump start the metabolism and balance blood sugar levels. Eating a small meal is just that - smaller portions.   Often times people go all day snacking without eating a nutritious meal consisting of lean protein, complex carbohydrate and veggies. By the end of the day when they get home from work they're ravenous and end up eating the entire pantry filled with sugars, preservatives and sodium. Before they know it an hour of overindulging goes by then soon after painful bloating and indigestion kicks in. 

5 Keys to Live Joyfully

5 Keys to Live Joyfully In today’s world life is beyond busy. As a wife, mother and entrepreneur I know how crazy things can be. It is a balancing act to care for my family, home, horses, work and myself. If I’m not careful it’s easy to fall into feeling overwhelmed with all I have to do each day. Women often come to me asking for assistance. They tell me their struggles and issues, and it always touches my heart to hear their stories. As I listen I take in every word and energy of emotion expressed and unexpressed. When I ask them what they do for themselves each day, most of them say, “I don’t have time for me, I have too much to do.”


How to Believe in Yourself Do you realize that you have the innate power within you to literally create the life of your dreams? You really can have that which your heart desires. The only one standing in your way of achieving your dreams is you!  When you have self-doubt and fears you are energetically blocking yourself from attracting back to you that which you want.


How to Have a Positive Mindset  More Often Than Not “Gratitude is one of the sweet shortcuts to finding peace of mind and happiness inside. No matter what is going on outside of us, there's always something we could be grateful for.”  ~ Barry Neil Kaufman Being positive does more than just uplift your mood it is also highly beneficial for your emotional state of mind, physical health and well-being. Just as positive thinking has a direct impact on the body so does negative thinking, it weakens the immune system, causes emotional turmoil, ruins relationships and even causes weight gain. Eva Ritvo, MD, vice chair of the department of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine in Florida and co-author of The Beauty Prescription, says that positive thinking improves your mental health and reduces stress.  "When you are optimistic, people are attracted to you. This leads to healthier relationships, more succe


LEAVE THE EXCUSES BEHIND Stop the chaos in your mind and leave the excuses behind... All the negative thoughts and feelings only keep you stuck in what you don't want!  So take control of your thoughts by believing in your abilities to su cceed in living a healthier, happier way of life. A happy mind creates a happy body and a happy body create happy emotions and is healthier and more energetic. This Christmas season give yourself the gift early this year, give yourself the treasured gift of health that only you can give. Learn to love and accept your life and body just as it is now to embrace a journey of self-discovery and transformation. You have what it takes to accomplish your fitness goals and dreams. So step up to the plate now and let go of all your needless excuses of why you don't have time to exercise and eat right -- if you make YOU a high priority YOU WILL find the time and you will naturally crave healthier food choices. So get up off the couch, throw

How Exercise Increases Feel-Good Hormones

How Exercise Increases Feel-Good Hormones We all want to feel happier and more carefree. It’s too often that we allow stress to overrun our lives. Many of us struggle from day to day just to feel good let alone feel excited about life. Well, I’m happy to say that there’s a natural way to get a “natural high” otherwise known as “feel-good” hormones and that comes by exercising at least 3 to 6 days a week.  If you’re new to living a fit lifestyle, not to worry,  you don’t have to jump in head first into a fitness program, that will only overwhelm you, which may set you back even further once you become overly exhausted and fatigued from being unconditioned.


TIPS TO GET IN SHAPE! Living my LivFit Lifestyle doesn’t happen overnight it takes motivation, dedication and determination to follow through with your goals.  Unfortunately, too many people lack the motivation needed to commit  to starting or staying on track with a fitness routine day after day.  It takes time, you don’t have to train long and hard each day, you can start off slow. If you start off too fast you'll feel exhausted and may lose the desire to stay on track.  Starting is half the battle; you can begin by walking briskly for 20 minutes 5 days a week or jogging on a treadmill for 15 to 20 minutes 4 to 5 days a week. In time you find that you will have more energy and will want to exercise longer than you did the day or week before. It all comes down to loving yourself enough to want to improve your quality of life. Living a healthy lifestyle makes for a happier You! You will feel more vibrant, have better health, h


Carol Whitaker FAT BURNING TIPS TO TURBO-CHARGE YOUR METABOLISM Achieving lifelong weight loss is a goal that most people want to achieve whether its 5 to 100 plus pounds, it’s all the same desire—to feel healthier and happier about our bodies and life in general.  Everything that you do in regards to your diet and exercise is based on emotion.  The more positive you are the more optimally your body functions.  It’s virtually impossible to release fat and maintain a lower body weight when you are sad, depressed, worried or stressed out all of the time. When you are stressed your hormones become imbalanced and cortisol levels increase which causes weight gain from the “fight or flight” energy in the body. To turn your body into a fat burning machine you need to have an attitude of gratitude for your life as it is now in addition for our miraculous body. What your mind can conceive it can, in fact, achieve!   Believe in yourself that you can achieve that which you set you


LOW FAT COOKING & BAKING TIPS We all enjoy a tasty meal.  I love to cook and bake for my family; however, I don’t like gaining weight.   Through the years I've come to love low fat cooking, in fact, when I eat unhealthy fats such as butter,  vegetable  oil, etc. I get sick to my stomach and get a headache.  I have conditioned my body to eating wholesome foods to maintain my lean physique.  When we eat unhealthy fats and sugar we get fat--plain and simple. Cooking smart is the key to maintaining a slim waistline.  Below are tips for low fat cooking that won’t take away delicious flavoring of your favorite meals. Low Fat Cooking & Baking Tips Always use ½ the fat or less when baking.  Replace butter with applesauce in cakes and cookies.  If you have to use butter then use always use real butter in place of Crisco, margarine or oil when baking.  Use Pam cooking spray in place of oil or butter. Cut off all fat from meats. Animal fat will only add fa


HOW TO GET MOTIVATED TO EXERCISE Staying motivated is the key to achieving your fitness goals.  It's easy to say you want to get in shape but often somewhat difficult to get motivated to follow through with your desire to  exercise  on a regular basis. When you begin to fully embrace living a healthy lifestyle by beginning slowly you will soon begin to become more focused on your desired outcome. By being laser focused on your goals and by choosing to exercise daily, whether it’s working out in a gym, going for a  jog, swimming, riding your bike or even taking your dog out for a walk, you will not only become stronger physically, but you will mentally and spiritually as well. By having a daily exercise routine in your life you will be able to go with the flow of life easier by staying motivated and committed to excellence. Below are my 10 Tips to Stay Motivated day after day.     10 TIPS TO STAY MOTIVATED 1.    MAKE YOUR WORKOUTS A HIGH PRI


10 TIPS TO ACHIEVE WEIGHT LOSS Achieving weight loss, permanently is attainable.  Transforming your body is a reachable goal for anyone who has the desire and determination and fortitude to improve their quality of life.  Making the commitment to transform your physique can seem overwhelming for many people, they often think about what it takes to get in shape and feel it’s just too much for them to comprehend; resulting in giving up before they even get started. 


TIPS TO RELEASE RESISTANCE TO MANIFEST YOUR DREAMS Releasing resistance is often easier said than done, so, how is it that we can release this resistance and finally make better progress?  It’s by paying attention to your feelings to allow that which you desire to come to you.  Learning to recognize the feeling of resistance is the first step.  By understanding that ill feelings towards a thought or experience is actually resistance to letting go you will be able to come to understand that you can let it go by focusing on the positive, and before long you will be relishing in the beautiful treasures that life is bringing to you.  You will shift to attracting amazing experiences you wish to attract, and they can manifest much more quickly and easily!