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Showing posts with the label how to use the law of attraction

10 Tips to Attract More Goodness in Life

10 Tips to Attract More Goodness in Life    Do you want to attract more goodness into your life? Well, you can. It is your inherent gift from above to receive all the goodness that life has to offer that you long for, from love and well-being to abundance and success. Life has a limitless abundance of every kind to fulfill our lives with the richness of health, wealth and happiness. All the goodness in life is yours for the taking. God created everything for us to thrive joyfully. We were meant to create our lives intentionally by the energetic frequencies of our thoughts, feelings, and emotions.  


THE ART OF VISUALIZING YOUR DREAM BODY "Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so shall become. Your vision is the promise of what you shall one day be; your ideal is the prophecy of what you shall at last unveil." ~James Allen It’s empowering to know that we can literally alter our life experiences & physique by tapping into the power of your mind.  By having thoughts and feelings that are positive, the mind will be able to create the world of your dreams in great detail. Your thoughts are like a magnet, a simple thought will have a weak magnetic power just like a small magnet does. A powerful emotion such as joy or fear will have a much greater magnetic pull, thus it will magnetize more of what you are feeling into your life. Our thoughts are magnetic on every level, that is why “like always attracts like”, it’s a universal law—the Law of Attraction. Being mindful of your thoughts through the power of prayer, visualization, mediation, goal set