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8 Tips to Transform Your Body

Carol Whitaker 8 Tips to Transform Your Body We all have been blessed with the innate power to create and manifest our lives on purpose with intention, yet so many people just live their life like “groundhog day” just going through life as though they were in a trance.  If you feel stuck in your current way of life or feel sluggish from being overweight, you can change your lifestyle with baby steps simply by following the tips below. Each area of your life can improve dramatically if you focus your thoughts on what is wanted, including seeing your body as being fit, thin, healthy & strong. 


EMBRACE LIFE TO THE FULLEST You were literally created to have a life filled with love, joy, peace & happiness, but only if you chose to.  Living a happy life is a choice.  We were born with free agency, what a gift we all have, we have the intrinsic ability to decide just how we want in our lives.  Each of us literally has the power within to change our life & body at a very deep level.  You can experience true joy & happiness today!  You can also transform your physique easier than you may think possible.  All you have to do is take charge of your mind and emotions by only allowing powerful, creative, loving thoughts to enter your mind.  You are the master of your mind .  Your mind is not the master of you.   You are not only your finite body that needs to eat, exercise and sleep daily to survive, the larger part of you is spiritual, your true essence that resides within ~ together they are your soul.  Your miraculous body is a gift from God to care