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Showing posts with the label how to raise your metabolism

Strength Training 101: with Dumbbells for Women

Holistic Lifestyle Fitness Coach, Carol Whitaker Strength Training 101: with Dumbbells for Women   I've been a fitness enthusiast for over 20 years! And for good reason, being healthy and fit has improved my quality of life in all aspects of my life, from having a higher self-esteem, more loving relationships, having more energy to increasing my income, and even my spirituality.  When you love and honor your body, it shows, and others are automatically impressed and drawn to your success, all because you care enough to care for your body as it needs by having a positive mindset, eating a proper diet, and exercising regularly. Not all exercise is created equal, if you want to be stronger and shape your physique, then you’ll definitely want to incorporate weight lifting into your exercise program.  If you’re new to strength training, not to worry, I'll share with you how to begin a weight lifting regimen using dumbbells. You can lift weights to tone, sculp


WHY BREAKFAST IS ESSENTIAL  FOR WEIGHT LOSS Breakfast really is the fuel of champions! If you are one that skips breakfast in your haste to get out the door or as an effort to lose weight, you’re not doing yourself any favors—you may want to think twice about skipping the most important meal of the day. Eating breakfast that starts your weight loss efforts that induces weight loss, jump-starts your metabolism and balances your hormones—at the beginning of the day. Eating a well-balanced breakfast consisting of 20 to 30 grams of high quality protein and a complex carbohydrate within an hour of waking will jump-start your metabolism in addition to balancing your hormones which will help keep you going strong all day long.   


HOW TO RAISE YOUR METABOLISM Achieving lifelong weight loss is a goal that most people want to achieve whether its 5 to 100 plus pounds, it’s all the same desire—to feel healthier and happier about our bodies and life in general.  Everything that you do in regards to your diet and exercise is based on emotion.  The more positive you are the more optimally your body functions.  It’s virtually impossible to release fat and maintain a lower body weight when you are sad, depressed, worried or stressed out all of the time. When you are stressed your hormones become imbalanced and cortisol levels increase which causes weight gain from the “fight or flight” energy in the body.


Carol Whitaker TURBO-CHARGE YOUR METABOLISM   Everyone I know hits a plateau every now and again, including me... Most everyone I know either fit, slim, overweight or feeling depressed needs a bit of a push to jump-start their fat-burning machine aka their metabolism. When I have a photo shoot coming up and I don't feel camera ready I have to get my body fat down fast! To reach my weight loss goals within two weeks, which is usually lowering my body fat 3 to 5% I have to mentally prepare my winning game plan first. My modeling weight loss secrets are actually not secrets at all... It all comes down to hard work in the gym, eating right and having a positive mental attitude. I begin by writing my short-term goals, making powerful success affirmations and creating a fitness plan to create rock hard abs and glutes - it all comes down to self mastery, willpower and discipline.