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Showing posts with the label how to love yourself

6 Simple Tips to Stress Less During the Holidays

6 Simple Tips to Stress Less During the Holidays As delightful as the Christmas season is, with all the decorating, shopping, family get-togethers, office and friend parties, gift wrapping and gift delivering’s, the holidays can be a bit overwhelming, to say the least! I used to get all frazzled with all I had to do when the holidays came around each year until I realized how damaging “stressing out” all the time was on my body. You, too, may feel the way I use to. But, not to worry, I have some easy tips that can make the holiday season stress-free and joyful! Having an endless Christmas to-do list to top off your already busy schedule can cause unnecessary stress and anxiety; which is the last thing you want during the most wonderful time of the year . When you feel overly stressed it’s difficult to appreciate and take part in the magical spirit of Christmas and look forward to a happy and prosperous New Year.

10 Tips to Cultivate a Higher Self-Esteem

10 Tips to Cultivate a Higher  Self-Esteem Cultivating a high self-esteem is the key to improving all aspects of your life. Your life as it is now is an expression of your deep rooted self-beliefs, inner thoughts, emotions, and feelings. As is your body, it is constantly articulating whether or not your thoughts are for your highest good or not by how you feel. Take a moment to notice what is your body telling you right now; how do you feel? Do you feel pleased and full of life or do you feel exhausted, worn down, or lack hope? How you feel physically is directly influenced by your psychology. For instance, if you wake up feeling well and then you go to work and your co-workers tell you that you look ill and ask you if you’re okay, soon your mind would shift to questioning how you feel which would directly affect your body. Within a short amount of time, your body would begin to feel unwell. On the flip side, if you woke up feeling tired or unwell and your coworkers kee

Carol Whitaker Interview with Tina Nies

Let's talk about being Ridiculously Happy with Carol Whitaker I enjoyed my interview once again with Tina Nies. She's an absolute delight, and an excellent show host. Sit back and grab your favorite beverage, and be prepared for a fun, carefree interview with  some laughing and great conversation about love. Let's talk about being Ridiculously Happy with Carol Whitaker 05/16 by Tina Nies | S

5 Ways to Love YOU during the Holidays

5 Ways to Love YOU during the Holidays Loving yourself is essential to living a joyful, healthy, prosperous life. Many of us struggle with self-love because of limiting beliefs we have about ourselves—especially during the holidays. If you struggle with loving yourself, you’re in luck. Below are 5 ways to truly transform the image you have of yourself to that of love, honor, and respect. You can become all that you want simply by loving you. This holiday season, give yourself the most cherished gift of all: acceptance. You deserve to feel joy that begins from within.

How to Live Your Truth

How to Live Your Truth The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on, rely on, or blame. The gift is yours - it is an amazing journey - and you alone are responsible for the quality of it. This is the day your life really begins. ~Bob Moawad Living your truth means to live from your spirit, your true essence within, to be able to live up to your highest potential. You are a magnificent women of pure energy, truth and light. To live your truth you must first come to love and value everything about yourself. If you question or doubt yourself all the time or fail to stand up for what’s true, you are not living your truth. However, when you love all that you are and live in the deliciousness of the moment by walking in faith, then know that you are, in fact, living from your higher-self.


5 WAYS TO LOVE YOURSELF  Life is way too short to go about your day insulting or feeling unloving towards yourself. If you want to change your life then you need to learn how to love and respect yourself--unconditionally.   Resolve today to become the best you can be by incorporating into your daily life the following 5 simple tips below. Believe that YOU really can transform your life, in miraculous ways!


The 40 Day LoveFest Countdown with Tina Nies Tina Nies interviews Carol Whitaker on her radio show focused on "Positive Inner-Dialog" for her 100 Days - 100 Ways to LOVE Yourself!  


 HOW TO LIVE FROM YOUR HIGHER-SELF TO MANIFEST YOUR DREAMS Powerful quotes of the day by Norman Vincent Peale ~ "Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy." "The mind, ever the willing servant , will respond to boldness, for boldness, in effect, is a command to deliver mental resources." "If you paint in your mind a picture of bright and happy expectations, you put yourself into a condition conducive to your goal." To be able to fully create and manifest your dreams you must learn how to believe and tap into the higher power which ignites your soul with love, joy, health and abundance — It is your spirit within. You already have everything you need to achieve all that you desire.  To manifest your heart's desires to the fullest come to know who you really are.  You are a powerful spiritual being of pure energy and ligh


  FALLING OFF THE CLEAN EATING WAGON ~  HOW TO RELEASE NEGATIVE EMOTIONS Emotions are very powerful.  Everything you do is based on emotions.  What you crave to eat is based off of how you feel.  When you are reaching for a sugary treat what you are actually doing is reaching for a “feel good” food which will increase serotonin in the brain. Sugar will indeed help you feel better for slit a moment but only to come crashing down soon after and then you will begin craving more sugar to give you the "sugar high" your emotions are wanting.  You can train in a gym for hours daily but if you don't fuel your body with the proper nutrition needed for energy to fuel and rebuild your hard worked muscles then you might as well just do aerobics and forget dreaming of having a hard-body.  Proper nutrition and weight lifting are vital keys to transforming your physique! LETTING GO If you fall off the “eating clean” wagon often and find it difficult to fol