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Showing posts with the label how to live a joyful life

5 Keys to Live Joyfully

5 Keys to Live Joyfully In today’s world life is beyond busy. As a wife, mother and entrepreneur I know how crazy things can be. It is a balancing act to care for my family, home, horses, work and myself. If I’m not careful it’s easy to fall into feeling overwhelmed with all I have to do each day. Women often come to me asking for assistance. They tell me their struggles and issues, and it always touches my heart to hear their stories. As I listen I take in every word and energy of emotion expressed and unexpressed. When I ask them what they do for themselves each day, most of them say, “I don’t have time for me, I have too much to do.”


 5 TIPS TO LIVE A JOYFUL LIFE In today's world life is beyond busy, as a wife, mother & entrepreneur I know how crazy life can be.   It is truly a balancing act to care for my family, home, horses, work and me... If I'm not careful it's easy to fall into the feelings of being overwhelmed with all I have to do each day. It's easy to let the cares of the world get in the way of living a life filled with immense joy and inner-peace.     It's easy to put yourself aside and only care for your family, friends and loved ones, but when you do that you're not honoring "you" which does not allow you to be the best you can be for those you love.  By neglecting your dreams and desires it neglects your truth within.


Make the Best of Today Do you recall a time when you thought, "What a coincidence!" Often what we might have thought of as an amazing coincidence is actually in reality a blessing from above that was perfectly orchestrated as a form of a miracle in our life.  Can you think of a time when you knew that to be true? Look back over the last several months of your life, when was the last time you received a tender mercy? What miracle was it? Joy & happiness comes by having contentment in your heart. How can one be content when everything seems so out of sorts you may ask… It comes by appreciating the little things in life. Focus on all the blessings that your divine creator has blessed you with. He knows what we need – He knows where we are needed. Each path leads us on a glorious journey, if we are continually grateful for all the good in our life He will continue to bless us with much abundance. Having an attitude of