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Showing posts with the label how to live a fit lifestyle

6 Tips to Lose Weight after Thanksgiving

6 Tips to Lose Weight after Thanksgiving  If you're like me, you most likely woke up to having to deal with post-Thanksgiving "damage control"- not fun! Getting back on track with your fitness and weight loss goals after a festive holiday of overeating with family and friends can be overwhelming for some people. If you ate too much yesterday don’t worry you can regroup and get back to exercising and eating clean! Typically at social gatherings there are plenty of high-calorie foods and desserts to tempt and tantalize your taste buds. Often self-discipline and control seem to go out the window the moment you step through the door. If you overindulged during Thanksgiving, don’t despair, there is nothing wrong with indulging now and again; in fact, it’s good for the body and mind to have a high-calorie meal after weeks of eating clean.


How to Get Out of a Funk to Get Motivated Getting in shape takes desire for change, belief in yourself, motivation to get started, and determination to reach your goals, it takes perseverance and a positive mental attitude to achieve success.   I’m often asked how I stay motivated after all these years... I have been a fitness enthusiast for nearly 25 years.  Staying motivated takes fortitude and dedication to working towards my goals every day.  I visualize how I want to be as though I've already achieved it.   I stay optimistic and see the good in everyone & everything that I do.  I love myself unconditionally and give to others daily, this enables me to balance my body, mind & spirit daily, which keeps me on track and in line with that which I desire to accomplish in all areas of my life.


FITNESS MOTIVATIONAL THOUGHT OF THE DAY YOU CAN DO IT!!! Attaining the body of your dreams can, in fact, be a reality. Don't give up before you give yourself a real chance to get started. Losing weight and body transformation takes time, perseverance and fortitude.   Don’t focus on how much you want to “lose”, your subconscious doesn't like deprivation. Instead, focus on feeling “lighter” each new day. Let your body do what it does best and it will begin to burn fat rather than storing it. Take   it a day at a time, a pound a time.   Love the skin you're in. Your body is your greatest gift from above; treat it as though it were your best friend. Love it, care for it and think positively about how miraculous it is and all it does for you each new day.   Today's a new day, a new beginning of you! Relish in the joy of life by exercising and moving more today. Eat foods that God made just for us to live a vibrant, healthy life which are rich in nutrition.  


Happy Monday! I hope you’re off to an excellent start to your day! Unlike many people, I love Mondays! It’s a fresh start to a new beginning to recommit to my fitness goals and dreams. I love my fitness LivFit Lifestyle journey that never ends... It's an awesome way to live!   If you're tired of feeling out of control with your life and eating habits then start today commit to leaving your past behind by embracing an awesome fit future!  Each day this week make it your top priority to exercise for at least 30 to 45 minutes on an empty stomach, doing so will force your body to use your body’s fat stores for energy.