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Showing posts with the label how to happy

Embrace the Power of Emotions

Embrace the Power of Emotions Emotions are often overlooked as just something that we all feel each moment of each day. Little do many of us know just how  powerful emotions  really are.  Emotions have energy of vibrational frequencies at a quantum level.  The more emotional charge you have about something or someone, the more powerful the vibration.  The image above illustrates the power of emotion. Refer to it often when you are feeling emotionally stuck. You can see that having thoughts of doubt, fear, jealously and unworthiness does NOT serve you, but rather, thoughts of love, joy, hope, passion and enthusiasm does. 

8 Tips to Transform Your Body

Carol Whitaker 8 Tips to Transform Your Body We all have been blessed with the innate power to create and manifest our lives on purpose with intention, yet so many people just live their life like “groundhog day” just going through life as though they were in a trance.  If you feel stuck in your current way of life or feel sluggish from being overweight, you can change your lifestyle with baby steps simply by following the tips below. Each area of your life can improve dramatically if you focus your thoughts on what is wanted, including seeing your body as being fit, thin, healthy & strong.