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Showing posts with the label how to burn fat


FAT LOSS FACT OR FICTION Losing weight now days can seem a bit overwhelming with all the plethora of information to chose from.  Weight loss is scientific and therefore can be more simplistic than you many think. Below are some questions that you get to guess “fact or fiction” about weight loss, see how much you really know about weight loss and what really works in aiding your quest to attaining your ideal goal weight.     FACT OR FICTION?      1. DIETS ARE BEST FOR PERMANENT WEIGHT LOSS This is  fiction . Diets are not a permanent solution for weight loss.  Living a fit lifestyle is.  Living a healthy lifestyle is the only way to maintain a healthy body weight and good health.  Yo-yo dieting is hard on the body and on the mind.  When people go on diets the focus is deprivation and the mind will do everything in its power to fight back that is why is why once the diet is over the emotions take over and overeating becomes a habit once again. 2.  SLEEP


Carol Whitaker FAT BURNING TIPS TO TURBO-CHARGE YOUR METABOLISM Achieving lifelong weight loss is a goal that most people want to achieve whether its 5 to 100 plus pounds, it’s all the same desire—to feel healthier and happier about our bodies and life in general.  Everything that you do in regards to your diet and exercise is based on emotion.  The more positive you are the more optimally your body functions.  It’s virtually impossible to release fat and maintain a lower body weight when you are sad, depressed, worried or stressed out all of the time. When you are stressed your hormones become imbalanced and cortisol levels increase which causes weight gain from the “fight or flight” energy in the body. To turn your body into a fat burning machine you need to have an attitude of gratitude for your life as it is now in addition for our miraculous body. What your mind can conceive it can, in fact, achieve!   Believe in yourself that you can achieve that which you set you