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Showing posts with the label how to believe in you

How To Do Mirror Work to Learn to Love YOU!

How To Do Mirror Work to Learn to Love YOU! Self-love is the core of having a high self-image and self-respect, it is an important aspect of self-development and improvement. Many of us struggle with feelings that we aren’t good enough, or have feelings of self-doubt, or catch ourselves mumbling unkind words when we make a mistake far too often.  I’m no acceptation, I, too, have down days now and again and have to do my best to get back on track with having love and adoration for myself. But, luckily, there are several tools we can use to enable us to come to love and accept ourselves at a profound level, one such tool is doing an exercise referred to as mirror work.  


LEAVE THE EXCUSES BEHIND Stop the chaos in your mind and leave the excuses behind... All the negative thoughts and feelings only keep you stuck in what you don't want!  So take control of your thoughts by believing in your abilities to su cceed in living a healthier, happier way of life. A happy mind creates a happy body and a happy body create happy emotions and is healthier and more energetic. This Christmas season give yourself the gift early this year, give yourself the treasured gift of health that only you can give. Learn to love and accept your life and body just as it is now to embrace a journey of self-discovery and transformation. You have what it takes to accomplish your fitness goals and dreams. So step up to the plate now and let go of all your needless excuses of why you don't have time to exercise and eat right -- if you make YOU a high priority YOU WILL find the time and you will naturally crave healthier food choices. So get up off the couch, throw

How to Lose Weight Naturally

How to Lose Weight Naturally Weight loss is an attainable goal for anyone who has the desire to improve their quality of life. You can have a slim physique regardless of age, gender or size.  If you're tired of be overweight and exhausted all the time then now is the time to take your health & happiness into your own hands. It all begins with the desire for change. To take the first step on your weight loss journey you must dig deep and answer the question "Why?"