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Showing posts with the label how to begin a fitness program


Happy Monday! I hope you’re off to an excellent start to your day! Unlike many people, I love Mondays! It’s a fresh start to a new beginning to recommit to my fitness goals and dreams. I love my fitness LivFit Lifestyle journey that never ends... It's an awesome way to live!   If you're tired of feeling out of control with your life and eating habits then start today commit to leaving your past behind by embracing an awesome fit future!  Each day this week make it your top priority to exercise for at least 30 to 45 minutes on an empty stomach, doing so will force your body to use your body’s fat stores for energy. 


HOW TO BEGIN LIVING A FIT LIFESTYLE I'm often asked how I have stayed motivated after all these years. For me feeling fit and thin is what keeps me motivated day after day--I began my fitness journey over 20 years ago and I still love my LivFit Lifestyle. Staying motivated takes daily determination and dedication of which all begins with using the power of the mind.  Mind power is our greatest asset in reaching our goals.  I visualize my physique as though I already achieved my desired weight and size. I set goals and follow through and I stay positive even when life is frustrating or when I’m not feeling my best. To be successful in achieving your weight loss goals begin by setting 5 short term goals that touches base on all areas of your life, have a goal for your body, mind, spirit, love/relationships and finances. Having a focused mindset on your goals and dreams will create a beautiful pathway before you to more easily achieve your goals.   TAKE CONTROL OF Y