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Showing posts with the label how to be fit


FITNESS MOTIVATIONAL THOUGHT OF THE DAY YOU CAN DO IT!!! Attaining the body of your dreams can, in fact, be a reality. Don't give up before you give yourself a real chance to get started. Losing weight and body transformation takes time, perseverance and fortitude.   Don’t focus on how much you want to “lose”, your subconscious doesn't like deprivation. Instead, focus on feeling “lighter” each new day. Let your body do what it does best and it will begin to burn fat rather than storing it. Take   it a day at a time, a pound a time.   Love the skin you're in. Your body is your greatest gift from above; treat it as though it were your best friend. Love it, care for it and think positively about how miraculous it is and all it does for you each new day.   Today's a new day, a new beginning of you! Relish in the joy of life by exercising and moving more today. Eat foods that God made just for us to live a vibrant, healthy life which are rich in nutrition.  


SIX-PACK ABS ARE ATTAINABLE    Having a six pack is awesome!  There's nothing quite like it, it's highly empowering.  I'm often asked how I achieved my six pack. It may seem like a lofty goal but very achievable with hard work, endurance,  and determination in addition to eating a clean diet. You can have a tight, sexy midsection by following my Six-Pack AbS program. It's a lot of work and it definitely requires a lifestyle change, you can't workout like crazy, eat junk food and expect to see results.   Committing to living a fit lifestyle is a must, if you stay on track and truly stay focused on your goals you will have a killer washboard stomach within 90 days (if you don't have a lot of weights to lose and if you do it will just take you a bit longer). It's not easy, but it's well worth your time and energy to work towards such a lofty goal. You have to be patient, it takes time to burn all the fat that is