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Showing posts with the label holiday 10lb pounds


DON'T GIVE INTO THE DREADED HOLIDAY 10 LBS! ~ Carol Whitaker ~ EMBRACE YOUR FITNESS JOURNEY TO SUCCESS EVEN DURING THE HOLIDAYS I love the holidays, most e veryone is more giving, kind and forgiving as they focus on Christ, it's truly the most wonderful time of the year!  This holiday season rather than throwing in the eating clean and exercise towel, commit to staying on track with your workout and fitness game plan.  Try to exercise at least 5 times a week for at least 30 to 45 minutes.  You don't have to spend hours in a gym to achieve a hard body, just enough to work up a good sweat and fatigue your muscles.   Eating clean is 85% of the fitness recipe for success.  Embrace a fit lifestyle by prioritizing "you" first every day.  Plan your workouts and meals in advance and then follow through.  Think positive, loving thoughts about your amazing body throughout the day.  See and feel yourself thin as though you