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Showing posts with the label health & wellness

Using the Power of the Art of Visualizing: to Manifest Your Dreams

Using the Power of the Art of Visualizing: to Manifest Your Dreams “Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so you shall become. Your vision is the promise of what you shall one day be; your ideal is the prophecy of what you shall at last unveil.” –James Allen It’s empowering to know that we can literally alter our lives  and physiques  by  visualizing our desires often.  I've used the Art of Visualizing for years, it always works in helping me achieve my goals and dreams.  Your mind is the key that unlocks the door to success or failure. What you believe about yourself is a self-prophesy.  Think about a time when you just knew you could do something that might have seemed nearly impossible to someone else. As you believed in your ability to achieve, you moved forward diligently to accomplish your task at hand. 

5 Tips to Get Back on Track with Your Fitness Goals

 5 Tips to Get  Back on Track with Your Fitness Goals "Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it."  ~Lou Holtz Getting back on track with your fitness and weight loss goals after a festive holiday of overeating with family and friends can be overwhelming. If you tend to eat too much, no worries, you can regroup and shed any extra water weight gained in just a few days. Typically at social gatherings, there are plenty of high-calorie foods and desserts to tempt and tantalize your taste buds. Often self-discipline seems to go out the window the moment you step through the door.