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Showing posts with the label fitness journal

8 Fat Blasting Tips That Work

8 Fat Blasting Tips That Work Living a LivFit Lifestyle is an awesome way to live! Who doesn’t want to look and feel their best physically, spiritually, and emotionally—living fit will help you do just that! To become your best-self begins from within. You must first come to love and believe in yourself. We all have our ups and downs, but it's when we get stuck in an "emotional rut" that it seems life tends to run amuck and the scale tends to go up or come to a complete halt. If you lack the motivation to workout, begin by visualizing yourself working out, even if for only 20 minutes a few times a week. Your mind is your greatest resource to get in shape and lose weight. If you don’t see yourself working out regularly and eating healthy in your mind's eye, you won’t feel the urge to take the actions necessary to accomplish having a healthier, leaner physique. When you come to embrace fitness, you will be well on your way to living a LivFit Lifestyle,


Carol Whitaker LOG YOUR WAY TO ACHIEVING FITNESS SUCCESS! Keeping a fitness log of your success is highly motivating.  Keeping a special  fitness journal is a fantastic tool to aid you in reaching your goals.  Keep a  log of your workout routines and meals daily.  You wouldn't try to drive to California from New York without a map, setting and planning your fitness goals is a road map to achieving great success.  When logging your meals write down your emotions you felt that day.  Pay attention to when you have cravings; was it when you were stressed or tired? Keeping track of your emotions will help you pinpoint what triggers cravings and knowing is half the battle.  When you know  what causes you to want to overeat you can create a solution to resolve the emotional issue before it happens again.