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Showing posts with the label fat loss tips

Top 5 Natural Weight Loss Supplements

   Top 5 Natural Weight Loss Supplements  With swimsuit season around the corner, now is the time to get back in shape and lose the extra weight gained over winter. The quickest way to lose weight is to eat a clean, exercise each weekday for at least 30 to 45 minutes and take natural weight loss supplements.  By adding supplements to your daily nutritional regimen, you will see the scale go down sooner as your body becomes leaner faster. Below are 5 of the best natural weight loss supplements to help you get rid of the stubborn fat around your belly and hips. 


WHAT TO E AT TO LOSE FAT FAST "The higher your energy level, the more efficient your body. The more efficient your body, the better you feel and the more you will use your talent to produce outstanding results." ~ Anthony Robbins Everyone I know hits a plateau every now and again, including me. W hen I have a photo shoot coming up and I don't feel camera ready I have to get my body fat down fast!  To reach my weight loss goals within two weeks I have to mentally prepare my winning game plan first.   My modeling weight loss secrets are actually not secrets at all... It all comes down to hard work in the gym, clean eating and having a positive mental attitude.  I begin by creating a game plan and eat only power foods that are in my LivFit Power Foods list.  I also create powerful success affirmations and creating a fitness plan to create rock hard body in prep for the photo shoot, it all comes down to self mastery, willpower and discipline.   Eating


Carol Whitaker FAT BURNING TIPS TO TURBO-CHARGE YOUR METABOLISM Achieving lifelong weight loss is a goal that most people want to achieve whether its 5 to 100 plus pounds, it’s all the same desire—to feel healthier and happier about our bodies and life in general.  Everything that you do in regards to your diet and exercise is based on emotion.  The more positive you are the more optimally your body functions.  It’s virtually impossible to release fat and maintain a lower body weight when you are sad, depressed, worried or stressed out all of the time. When you are stressed your hormones become imbalanced and cortisol levels increase which causes weight gain from the “fight or flight” energy in the body. To turn your body into a fat burning machine you need to have an attitude of gratitude for your life as it is now in addition for our miraculous body. What your mind can conceive it can, in fact, achieve!   Believe in yourself that you can achieve that which you set you