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Showing posts with the label fat burning exercises


BEST FAT BURNING EXERCISE If weight loss is your main fitness goal then you've come to the right place. Fat is a stored energy to be used to fuel the body.  Cardiovascular training is essential to accomplish your fitness and weight loss dreams.   Doing cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach will burn your fat stores for energy since your glucose in the blood and liver (blood sugar level) is extremely low from fasting during sleeping hours, so your body will turn to its own stored energy to fuel your muscles during tough workouts. HIGH INTENSITY INTERVAL TRAINING    The best fat burning cardio method is high intensity interval training (HIIT).  A HIIT is just that--high intensity. A HIIT is tough, it’s not easy, but the results & benefits are highly rewarding.  You can literally burn more fat with less time doing HIIT cardio over aerobic exercise, that means you will have more time to tackle your day by incorporation interval training into


8 FAT BURNING FITNESS TIPS FOR WOMEN It’s that time of year again ~ swimsuit season is just around the corner.  To transform flabby under arms and a saggy behind lifting weights is a must.  You don’t need to go to a fancy gym to workout, you can create your own gym at home. All you need are an assortment of dumbbells, a bench, a mirror and a cd player to play music that will pump you up for a good solid workout. Here are 8 tips to assist you in reaching your fitness goals.  Learn to love strength training as you do your body will transform easier than doing it begrudgingly.  Be happy and think positive to ensure you’re mindset is in the right place to achieve success!  And most of all have fun!  Make working out fun and exciting, talk nicely to yourself and look forward to your workouts, your body will thank you for it by releasing fat store easier and build muscle sooner.