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8 TIPS TO LOOK MORE BEAUTIFUL Looking beautiful comes from within. You can wear expensive clothes and try to feel your best but if you don't love yourself fully you will not be able to radiate the true inner beauty. The more loving you are the more you will radiate your beauty within which will accentuate your outer beauty even more so. To look your best takes time and commitment to honoring your inner desire to look and feel your very best. What is it about yourself that you want to change? Maybe it's how you feel about yourself or how you dress, whatever it is, you can improve anything you desire to by simply loving who you are fully. Below are 8 tips to be more beautiful than ever. 1.      Love Yourself Unconditionally. Be in love with yourself; learn to love everything about yourself from your curly hair to your curvy figure. Love yourself as you would love a child, unconditionally. 2.      Do Your Hair & Makeup. Take time to get showere