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Showing posts with the label Success

The Power of Momentum & Having Balance In Your Life

The Power of Momentum & Having Balance In Your Life Momentum is a beautiful gift in life that brings about outstanding results. Momentum comes from being diligent in creating new habit of self-growth. When you move forward intentionally aiming to improve your life, you will have more balance and clarity. Balance creates synergy, certainty, progress, peace, contentment, and joy. All of which, creates momentum for thriving joyfully. But you can’t have balance if you don’t know exactly what you want in your life and the reasons why. And you can’t create momentum if you don’t know where you’re going. It’s necessary to focus on your reasons why you want to improve your quality of life succeed — it’s the psychology behind your wants and desires. Your habits are a manifestation of the emotional state you’re constantly in. It’s what you do on a daily basis that has gotten you where were you are today. You can look at your body and know what your daily routine is—you eithe

10 Tips to Attract More Goodness in Life

10 Tips to Attract More Goodness in Life    Do you want to attract more goodness into your life? Well, you can. It is your inherent gift from above to receive all the goodness that life has to offer that you long for, from love and well-being to abundance and success. Life has a limitless abundance of every kind to fulfill our lives with the richness of health, wealth and happiness. All the goodness in life is yours for the taking. God created everything for us to thrive joyfully. We were meant to create our lives intentionally by the energetic frequencies of our thoughts, feelings, and emotions.  

Using the Power of the Art of Visualizing: to Manifest Your Dreams

Using the Power of the Art of Visualizing: to Manifest Your Dreams “Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so you shall become. Your vision is the promise of what you shall one day be; your ideal is the prophecy of what you shall at last unveil.” –James Allen It’s empowering to know that we can literally alter our lives  and physiques  by  visualizing our desires often.  I've used the Art of Visualizing for years, it always works in helping me achieve my goals and dreams.  Your mind is the key that unlocks the door to success or failure. What you believe about yourself is a self-prophesy.  Think about a time when you just knew you could do something that might have seemed nearly impossible to someone else. As you believed in your ability to achieve, you moved forward diligently to accomplish your task at hand. 


How to Get Out of a Funk to Get Motivated Getting in shape takes desire for change, belief in yourself, motivation to get started, and determination to reach your goals, it takes perseverance and a positive mental attitude to achieve success.   I’m often asked how I stay motivated after all these years... I have been a fitness enthusiast for nearly 25 years.  Staying motivated takes fortitude and dedication to working towards my goals every day.  I visualize how I want to be as though I've already achieved it.   I stay optimistic and see the good in everyone & everything that I do.  I love myself unconditionally and give to others daily, this enables me to balance my body, mind & spirit daily, which keeps me on track and in line with that which I desire to accomplish in all areas of my life.


SIMPLE TIPS TO TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE Today can be a New Beginning of You!  Isn’t that an exciting thought!  You are on your way to becoming all that you dream of, including having better health, more wealth and pure happiness!  You are about to learn simple yet incredibly powerful tips which will enable you to shift your energy frequency from low vibrations of feelings of frustration and powerlessness to high energized vibrations of cheerfulness and joy!  You can become all that you desire to be when you have a positive mindset.  When you feel enthusiastic about life you are in the right energy vibration of creation.  Happiness cannot be obtained, bought, or found, true happiness comes from within. 


10 KEYS TO ACHIEVE SUCCESS   "The reason most people never reach their goals is that they don’t define them, or ever seriously consider them as believable or achievable. Winners can tell you where they are going, what they plan to do along the way, and who will be sharing the adventure with them."  ~ Denis Watley Having an attitude of "I can!" is very powerful.  Setting goals and having a positive mental attitude are stepping stones to success. Creating goals is simple to do yet many of us fail to do so.  Having your goals clearly in your mind is one of the most powerful ways to accomplish great things in your life.  Without goals you will not have a  road map  to success, it would be like trying to drive to LA form New York without a map or a GPS system in your car.


BELIEVE IN YOUR INNER POWER TO  CREATE YOUR DREAMS Powerful quotes of the day by Norman Vincent Peale ~ "Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy." "The mind, ever the willing servant , will respond to boldness, for boldness, in effect, is a command to deliver mental resources." "If you paint in your mind a picture of bright and happy expectations, you put yourself into a condition conducive to your goal." To be able to fully create the life and body of your dreams you must learn how to believe in the power that ignites your life with love, joy, health and abundance.   You already have everything needed within you to manifest your heart's desires to the fullest!  That power is dine in nature, it is your spirit ~ your higher self. When you think about you what are the fist thoughts that come to mind? Do you believe


10 TIPS TO ACHIEVE WEIGHT LOSS Achieving weight loss, permanently is attainable.  Transforming your body is a reachable goal for anyone who has the desire and determination and fortitude to improve their quality of life.  Making the commitment to transform your physique can seem overwhelming for many people, they often think about what it takes to get in shape and feel it’s just too much for them to comprehend; resulting in giving up before they even get started. 


EMBRACE HAPPINESS!  "It is not by accident that the happiest people are those who make a conscious effort to live useful lives. Their happiness, of course, is not a shallow exhilaration where life is one continuous intoxicating party. Rather, their happiness is a deep sense of inner peace that comes when they believe their lives have meaning and that they are making a difference for good in the world."  ~Ernest A. Fitzgeral The secret to having a happy life is to love you unconditionally.  Think about it, how can you give your best to others if you are always putting yourself on the back burner?  How can you set goals and dream if you do not think highly of yourself or forget to set time aside to nourish your body, mind and spirit?  You can't it's impossible.  Just as a chef at a fine restaurant can't present his speciality for the day if he doesn't have the right ingredients.  


THE KEY TO ACHIEVING YOUR DREAMS Do you know what you want in your life?  What are your dreams?  Do you dream of having an abundant future filled with joy, love, good health and abunda nce?  Do you have an action plan to achieve your goals and dreams? Too often people say how much they wish their life was different but yet they keep doing what they've always done and expect life to change.  If you want to improve your quality of life you must improve your way of thinking.  Every aspect of your life is a mirror of your thoughts.  I  can look at a person in any situation and know what his/her predominate thoughts have been by the quality of life he/she lives.  You too can look at your life, ponder & connect with how and what you think of most with how you live.  Are you positive or negative most of the time?  Do you speak kindly of yourself and look for the good in others?


Dreams Really Do Come True! I recently received an endearing letter from one of my former fitness client's that I had the privilege to coach over a year ago.  Her powerful LivFit testimonial of her weight loss success touched my heart deeply. My client achieved her fitness goals and dreams by wholeheartedly implementing my LivFit Lifestyle Program.  To begin a transformation journey it begins from within... By connecting & balancing your body, mind & spirit your body will begin to desire exercise and will crave healthier foods, as a result you will reach your goals much sooner.  By living my LivFit Lifestyle you too can achieve your fitness goals & dreams.   

Quotes of the Day: Inspirational Quotes to Uplift Your Spirit

Quotes of the Day: to Uplift Your Spirit I don't know about you, but I love to read positive quotes regularly. The energy of thoughts and words are powerful. You may have heard the saying, "You are what you think about", it has truth to it. Think about your body image and then take a look in the mirror -- do you see the resemblance?  Everything in your life is a mirror of you core beliefs. So, if you want to improve your life, then you must first improve your thoughts... A good way to do that is to read uplifting quotes often. Below are a few quotes I am inspired by, I hope they inspire you as well. :) Inspirational Quotes "The higher your energy level, the more efficient your body. The more efficient your body, the better you feel and the more you will use your talent to produce outstanding results."  ~ Anthony Robbins


"HOW TO ACHIEVE WEIGHT LOSS SUCCESS" “10 TIPS TO ACHIEVE WEIGHT LOSS SUCCESS” I'm asked a lot how to stay motivated... For me staying motivated takes determination and dedication to working towards my goals every day. I visualize how I want to be as though I've already achieved it, I stay positive and see the good in everyone & everything, love myself unconditionally and give to others daily to keep me on track and in line with that which I desire. To be successful in achieving your weight loss goals you must set goals to begin with. Having a focused mind set on your goals & dreams will surely lead you to success! HOW TO BEGIN A FITNESS LIFESTYLE To begin setting goals for fitness or weight loss you have to begin with transforming you thought process & the feelings in your heart first. You have to leave the past behind and focus on today... You have to be willing to let go of limiting thoughts and beliefs that have held you back from be