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Showing posts with the label How to be happy

How to Meditate to Quiet Your Mind

How to Meditate to Quiet Your Mind If you have constant chatter in your mind it is virtually impossible to hear divine revelation and intuition. By quieting your mind, you will be able to receive and better understand inspiration. And, you will have more harmony, joy, and love in your heart and soul. Meditation is a powerful tool to quiet the mind and balance your body, mind, and spirit. It’s simple to do and is highly rewarding. It's a mental exercise that will help you to lose weight, be less stressed, have more self confidence, be happier, be compassionate, be forgiving, attract abundance, and be healthier. 

10 Tips to Cultivate a Higher Self-Esteem

10 Tips to Cultivate a Higher  Self-Esteem Cultivating a high self-esteem is the key to improving all aspects of your life. Your life as it is now is an expression of your deep rooted self-beliefs, inner thoughts, emotions, and feelings. As is your body, it is constantly articulating whether or not your thoughts are for your highest good or not by how you feel. Take a moment to notice what is your body telling you right now; how do you feel? Do you feel pleased and full of life or do you feel exhausted, worn down, or lack hope? How you feel physically is directly influenced by your psychology. For instance, if you wake up feeling well and then you go to work and your co-workers tell you that you look ill and ask you if you’re okay, soon your mind would shift to questioning how you feel which would directly affect your body. Within a short amount of time, your body would begin to feel unwell. On the flip side, if you woke up feeling tired or unwell and your coworkers kee

How To Do Mirror Work to Learn to Love YOU!

How To Do Mirror Work to Learn to Love YOU! Self-love is the core of having a high self-image and self-respect, it is an important aspect of self-development and improvement. Many of us struggle with feelings that we aren’t good enough, or have feelings of self-doubt, or catch ourselves mumbling unkind words when we make a mistake far too often.  I’m no acceptation, I, too, have down days now and again and have to do my best to get back on track with having love and adoration for myself. But, luckily, there are several tools we can use to enable us to come to love and accept ourselves at a profound level, one such tool is doing an exercise referred to as mirror work.  

Love Yourself, Love Your Life ~ Featured on

Love Yourself, Love Your Life I'm so excited to share some great news with you. On Oct 19, 2015, I was the featured Inspirational Luminary on , sharing my wisdom with the world. This FREE website is one to bookmark! Inspire Me Today features the inspiration of a new Luminary every day. You can start your day with the wisdom of Sir Richard Branson, Guy Laliberte, Seth Godin, Neale Donald Walsch, Marci Shimoff, or one of hundreds more, now including me. I'm so honored to be with such esteemed company!

Tips to Live Stress-Free: To Be Happier and Healthier

Tips to Live a Stress-Free Life Tips to Live Stress-Free: To Be Happier and Healthier If you feel overwhelmed and are struggling with your health or weight, you’re not alone; millions of people struggle with the same issues day in and day out. Stress is one of the main causes of unhappiness, ill-health and weight gain; it not only brings about more of what you don’t want, but it also increases your waistline, causes depression & anxiety, lowers your immune system, and zaps your energy.

6 Tips to Be Happy Now

5 Tips to Be Happy Now How often do you catch yourself complaining about how difficult life is? Do find that you're constantly struggling with having peace of mind? Living is in a state of frustration and worry is not a fulfilling way to live.  Fortunately, you have the power within you, right now, to improve your quality of life. YOU have the power of choice. You are free to think, feel and act however you choose. You can continue doing what you've always done, or choose to think and act differently to get different results. 

Boomers Rock! Radio Show Interview

Boomers Rock! Radio Show Interview The author of "Ridiculously Happy! The Secrets to Manifesting the Life and Body of Your Dreams", Carol Whitaker makes her debut, and quite the expert she is, that is for sure. With Dr. Lori Shemek in the conversation this Ignite Your Life episode rocks. As a highly sought after life transformation and fitness expert  her multi-faceted experience brings a lot to a radio interview.

Ridiculously Happy! Soft Launch

Ridiculously Happy!   Ridiculously Happy! The Secret to Manifesting the Life & Body of Your Dreams is now available for sale on! The official launch is January 14, 2014. I'm pleased to announce that my book is on sale now at It has been quite the journey to complete my book, but I'm thankful beyond measure that it is now available for sale. A little history in the creation of my book. A couple of years ago I was divinely impressed to write my book. A year later I finished my rough draft and sent it off to my editor. Soon after I got a horrible concussion from a fall my stallion, Apollo, and I had while doing a photo shoot. That stopped me in my tracks, which took me nearly a year to recover from. Even though I did recover re-writing my manuscript was a daunting task and fatigued me terribly as I began writing again. But a few short months later I was able to write without the fatigue and mental exhaustion. It truly has been a miraculou

5 Ways to Love YOU during the Holidays

5 Ways to Love YOU during the Holidays Loving yourself is essential to living a joyful, healthy, prosperous life. Many of us struggle with self-love because of limiting beliefs we have about ourselves—especially during the holidays. If you struggle with loving yourself, you’re in luck. Below are 5 ways to truly transform the image you have of yourself to that of love, honor, and respect. You can become all that you want simply by loving you. This holiday season, give yourself the most cherished gift of all: acceptance. You deserve to feel joy that begins from within.

5 Keys to Live Joyfully

5 Keys to Live Joyfully In today’s world life is beyond busy. As a wife, mother and entrepreneur I know how crazy things can be. It is a balancing act to care for my family, home, horses, work and myself. If I’m not careful it’s easy to fall into feeling overwhelmed with all I have to do each day. Women often come to me asking for assistance. They tell me their struggles and issues, and it always touches my heart to hear their stories. As I listen I take in every word and energy of emotion expressed and unexpressed. When I ask them what they do for themselves each day, most of them say, “I don’t have time for me, I have too much to do.”


LIVE YOUR DREAMS Happy Monday!  I hope you're off to an excellent start to your day. If you want to change your body and life to that of your dreams then begin by changing your belief system. Your beliefs and the thoughts you think about most have energy which radiate from you out into the Universe attracting back to you what you feel most strongly about. Essentially your thoughts, feelings and emotions are a preview to your life’s upcoming attractions. To shift from negative energy to powerful positive energy trust God in all that you do believing He will guide you and protect you as He answers your heart’s desires with great love, joy and abundance. Replace doubt with hope and fear with faith to free yourself from bitterness and emotional pain that has kept your stuck in an emotional rut.  


FITNESS MOTIVATIONAL THOUGHT OF THE DAY YOU CAN DO IT!!! Attaining the body of your dreams can, in fact, be a reality. Don't give up before you give yourself a real chance to get started. Losing weight and body transformation takes time, perseverance and fortitude.   Don’t focus on how much you want to “lose”, your subconscious doesn't like deprivation. Instead, focus on feeling “lighter” each new day. Let your body do what it does best and it will begin to burn fat rather than storing it. Take   it a day at a time, a pound a time.   Love the skin you're in. Your body is your greatest gift from above; treat it as though it were your best friend. Love it, care for it and think positively about how miraculous it is and all it does for you each new day.   Today's a new day, a new beginning of you! Relish in the joy of life by exercising and moving more today. Eat foods that God made just for us to live a vibrant, healthy life which are rich in nutrition.  


Happy Monday! I hope you’re off to an excellent start to your day! Unlike many people, I love Mondays! It’s a fresh start to a new beginning to recommit to my fitness goals and dreams. I love my fitness LivFit Lifestyle journey that never ends... It's an awesome way to live!   If you're tired of feeling out of control with your life and eating habits then start today commit to leaving your past behind by embracing an awesome fit future!  Each day this week make it your top priority to exercise for at least 30 to 45 minutes on an empty stomach, doing so will force your body to use your body’s fat stores for energy. 


How to Have a Positive Mindset  More Often Than Not “Gratitude is one of the sweet shortcuts to finding peace of mind and happiness inside. No matter what is going on outside of us, there's always something we could be grateful for.”  ~ Barry Neil Kaufman Being positive does more than just uplift your mood it is also highly beneficial for your emotional state of mind, physical health and well-being. Just as positive thinking has a direct impact on the body so does negative thinking, it weakens the immune system, causes emotional turmoil, ruins relationships and even causes weight gain. Eva Ritvo, MD, vice chair of the department of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine in Florida and co-author of The Beauty Prescription, says that positive thinking improves your mental health and reduces stress.  "When you are optimistic, people are attracted to you. This leads to healthier relationships, more succe


EMBRACE LIFE TO CHANGE  YOUR LIFE  To Become Happier & Healthier When you want to change your life you must learn to embrace change with love and thankfulness for all the blessings in your life. You cannot expand and become a more accomplished individual without change.  Most people shy away from change which is a big reason as to why they stay “stuck”.  To transform your life in all areas, including having a leaner physique, having more energy, having more loving relationships and becoming more successful in your endeavors than you must learn to think positively and embrace life to the fullest each new day. You were literally created to have a life filled with love, joy, peace & happiness, but only if you choose to.  Living a happy life is a choice.  We were born with free agency, what a gift we all have, we have the intrinsic ability to decide just how we want in our lives.  Each of us literally has the power within to change our life & body at a ve


THOUGHT OF THE DAY...    LET GO OF THE PAST! Did you know that you are the only one standing in your way of achieving that which you desire? If you struggle with keeping your word to yourself or find that you self-sabotage your efforts then you need to let go of what's holding you back.  When we have negative, resentful feelings of ourselves or of others it is a power low energy of resistance to that which is wanted which will continue to attract more reasons to be worried or have feelings of resentment. Like always attracts like in all things, it's the Law of Attraction in action.  If you want more love in your life then you need to let go of the past, and forgive those that hurt you. By playing the negative memories over and over in your mind you become the victim and the perpetrator, you become a prisoner in your own mind.  Replaying hurtful movies continually only cements fear beliefs in your subconscious mind which causes you to mentally create bigger and s

How Exercise Increases Feel-Good Hormones

How Exercise Increases Feel-Good Hormones We all want to feel happier and more carefree. It’s too often that we allow stress to overrun our lives. Many of us struggle from day to day just to feel good let alone feel excited about life. Well, I’m happy to say that there’s a natural way to get a “natural high” otherwise known as “feel-good” hormones and that comes by exercising at least 3 to 6 days a week.  If you’re new to living a fit lifestyle, not to worry,  you don’t have to jump in head first into a fitness program, that will only overwhelm you, which may set you back even further once you become overly exhausted and fatigued from being unconditioned.


BELIEVE IN YOUR INNER POWER TO  CREATE YOUR DREAMS Powerful quotes of the day by Norman Vincent Peale ~ "Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy." "The mind, ever the willing servant , will respond to boldness, for boldness, in effect, is a command to deliver mental resources." "If you paint in your mind a picture of bright and happy expectations, you put yourself into a condition conducive to your goal." To be able to fully create the life and body of your dreams you must learn how to believe in the power that ignites your life with love, joy, health and abundance.   You already have everything needed within you to manifest your heart's desires to the fullest!  That power is dine in nature, it is your spirit ~ your higher self. When you think about you what are the fist thoughts that come to mind? Do you believe


FITNESS TIP OF THE DAY...   Everything has energy--EVERYTHING!  Your thoughts, feelings and emotions all have an energy frequency.  Happy, cheerful thoughts have high powerful high energy.  Sad, resentment, anger, contention all have a very low vibrational energy frequency.   Even food has energy.  Whole foods are high in energy while processed foods are basically dead energy foods.  You will naturally crave foods that match your emotional state of mind and energy you are radiating out which will attract like people, experiences and events into your life to validate that which you are thinking…  (If you would like to learn more about the energy of food visit this site, it will explain in further the energy in food is, ) Take a moment to contemplate how you feel right now… What is your body telling you?  What are you craving?  A high positive mindset will only crave healthy foods because it is a v


Make the Best of Today Do you recall a time when you thought, "What a coincidence!" Often what we might have thought of as an amazing coincidence is actually in reality a blessing from above that was perfectly orchestrated as a form of a miracle in our life.  Can you think of a time when you knew that to be true? Look back over the last several months of your life, when was the last time you received a tender mercy? What miracle was it? Joy & happiness comes by having contentment in your heart. How can one be content when everything seems so out of sorts you may ask… It comes by appreciating the little things in life. Focus on all the blessings that your divine creator has blessed you with. He knows what we need – He knows where we are needed. Each path leads us on a glorious journey, if we are continually grateful for all the good in our life He will continue to bless us with much abundance. Having an attitude of