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Showing posts with the label Health

Healthy Tips to Help Ward Off Addictive Behaviors

Healthy Tips to Help Ward Off Addictive Behaviors Guest Post by Tim Stoddart In a world where overdose is the leading cause of death of people under 50 , we all need to be cautious. The truth is that some people are more susceptible to addiction than others. We need to see more research done on the topic, but we do know that there are genetic, demographic and socioeconomic factors at play. Here’s the thing: If you can take an objective look at your behavior, you probably know whether you’re prone to addiction or not. Do you tend to eat way too much of a good thing? Does someone have to pry you away from the slot machines when you're at a casino? Have you ever been a smoker? If you have recognized that you have trouble with willpower and self-control, it’s best to steer clear of addictive substances and behaviors.

Is Intermittent Fasting More Effective for Losing Weight than Dieting?

Is Intermittent Fasting More Effective for Losing Weight than Dieting? By:  Jane Sandwood Can you go from 8pm until noon the next day without eating? For most of us, that’s no problem. This is one method of intermittent fasting. But, does fasting help with weight loss? And, does it do a better job than traditional diets? We will answer these questions and more below. How Does Intermittent Fasting Work? There is a broad range of methods for intermittent fasting. One of the most popular alternatives is the 5:2 diet. This basically entails eating normally for five days out of the week and “fasting” (taking in 500 to 600 calories per day) for two nonconsecutive days. According to a  research professor of medicine, Dr. Luigi Fontana  at Washington University School of Medicine, this strategy can assist you in losing weight and cutting calories successfully if you can stick with it. He noted that fasting can cut up to a quarter of your overall calorie intake over the co

The Importance of Taking Care of Your Nerves at Any Age

The Importance of Taking Care of  Your Nerves at Any Age Many people neglect the health of their nervous systems, especially if they feel perfectly okay. For most individuals, the lack of illness symptoms is the same as being healthy. But, that is far from the truth. Good health includes your emotional, physical and, social well-being, and these are greatly affected by the nervous system. This system is important in ensuring that the functions of the body are carried out normally. For example, it allows blood to flow naturally and also helps in the regulation of blood sugar levels. In addition, the nervous system helps in maintaining the normal breathing pattern. People with conditions such as diabetes, migraines, and asthma have disorders in their nervous systems. The drugs prescribed to patients with such conditions are meant to correct the functioning of the nervous system as a way of bringing about relief. Besides helping with the normal body functions,

Simple Tools to Release Stress Fast

Simple Tips to Release Stress Fast We all experience stress, it’s a part of life; however, unaddressed stress can play havoc on your body. When you’re feeling tense and overwhelmed with life in general or while at work, doing exercises to release stress quickly  will not only improve your peace of mind but will also improve your health and wellness in the long run. A simple, yet powerful, exercise can help reduce anxious feelings quickly and easily. It’s called mirror work . Mirror work is the most effective method for learning to love yourself and to see the world as a safe and loving place, according to Louise Hay, an American self-help author and founder of Hay House . How to Do Mirror Work Mirror work is done by looking in a mirror and vocally speaking positive affirmations to yourself with affectionate conviction. You can use it to release worry or to improve your self-confidence. Over time, doing mirror work often will reprogram your subconscious mind to beli

Protein Rich Alternative Foods for Bodybuilding

Protein Rich Alternative Foods for Bodybuilding Guest Post By: James McDuffy Contrary to what most people think, proteins don’t necessarily have to come from red meats and chicken. After all, it’s not unusual to find bodybuilders that are vegetarians, who rely completely on non-meat sources for their protein requirements. In my opinion, there’s a certain type of wisdom behind this practice. For instance: 1.        Not as expensive as meats 2.        Contain fewer calories 3.        Kinder to the environment It’s just as easy to get protein without having to resort to meat . Recently I overheard a conversation at my gym where two guys were discussing whether becoming a vegetarian would affect the muscle building process. One thing that caught my attention immediately was when one of the guys probed whether non-meat protein sources offered “complete proteins”. Around a fortnight prior to that, I read a long article discussing “complete proteins”. For those


TIPS TO  LOOK  YOUR BEST People are drawn to positive, happy people. Let your beauty shine by taking the time to look your best.  Being happy and looking your best is not only attractive, but also inspires others to do the same. When you walk with your head & chest held high with a smile on your face you will naturally have a higher self-esteem. Your body languages also express how you feel about you.


RAVEN'S CLOSET TALK SHOW PROUDLY PRESENTS  "New Year, New You: Lifestyle Wellness" With Special Guest, Carol Whitaker "Would You Like To Learn How To Live The Life Of Your Dreams? - How About Learn To Lose Weight Without A lot Of Effort? - Do You Want To Truly Connect & Be The Real You?" - - Join Us Thursday January 24th With Our Special Guest Speaker Carol Whitaker, Author/Lifestyle Wellness Coach Join me as I speak on Sonya's awesome show, Raven's Closet tonight at 5 pm MST & 7 pm EST. 


EMBRACE LIFE TO CHANGE  YOUR LIFE  To Become Happier & Healthier When you want to change your life you must learn to embrace change with love and thankfulness for all the blessings in your life. You cannot expand and become a more accomplished individual without change.  Most people shy away from change which is a big reason as to why they stay “stuck”.  To transform your life in all areas, including having a leaner physique, having more energy, having more loving relationships and becoming more successful in your endeavors than you must learn to think positively and embrace life to the fullest each new day. You were literally created to have a life filled with love, joy, peace & happiness, but only if you choose to.  Living a happy life is a choice.  We were born with free agency, what a gift we all have, we have the intrinsic ability to decide just how we want in our lives.  Each of us literally has the power within to change our life & body at a ve


HOW TO SCULPT SEXY SIX PACK ABS Training abs is essential for a sexy midsection.  There are several workouts that work fast, your body is your best source of resistance, you don’t need any fancy equipment to get cut abs.  It all comes down to training faithfully at least 5 days a week and eating a clean diet.  If you train hard then do yourself a favor and eat a diet rich in protein, fresh veggies, fruits and good fats so you will be able to see your hard work pay off when you look in the mirror.


LIV FIT, TRAIN HARD & LIV HAPPY! FREE COACHING & LIV SXINNEY WHY I LOVE LIV SXINNEY Most everyone knows how passionate I am about motivating other's to improve their quality of life through fitness & nutrition. I'm all about living life to the fullest which includes, living a happy & abundant lifestyle. I'm also a big fan of supplements; I know how healing they are for the body. I recovered from Rheumatic Fever when I was as child because of supplements. MY HERO My dear Mother is my ultimate hero for so many reasons, one of which she literally saved my health by teaching me the power of supplements. I took Penicillin to protect my heart for 6 years in my youth; it ultimately destroyed my immune system which brought on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. From that experience I learned how to take control of my health and wellness by eating whole foods, supplementing my diet and exercising daily. Had I not been ill in my youth I would not be the fitness guru


EMBRACING YOUR MAGNIFICENCE My dear friend Amy Lindstrom and I are joining together to help woman all over the world embrace their True Essence of Magnificence. Amy is truly one of the most amazing women I know. Her love for others and her devotion to uplifting all around her truly is a gift from above.   Amy has an amazing life changing blog called Your Life Uncommon ( Join us each week as we inspire, motivate and teach how to live a happier, healthier way of life both on her blog as well as mine. If you feel inspired drop us a note, we would love to hear from You!