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Showing posts with the label Goals

5 Things Nobody Tells You about Successful Weight Loss

5 Things Nobody Tells You about Successful Weight Loss Guest Post By: Evelyn Kail With the fitness craze catching up, everyone wants to lose weight and stay fit. There are diets like vegan, vegetarian, and Weight Watchers that people follow with regular workouts. So finally they either reach their ideal weight or tone up. Most of the articles on the web tell that losing weight will reduce the risk of heart diseases and diabetes. You fail to notice that they tend to focus on the obvious. People fail to mention the good and the bad things associated with weight loss. If you are looking for a resource, then Garage Gym Planner has a lot of article about fitness and general health.


10 KEYS TO ACHIEVE SUCCESS   "The reason most people never reach their goals is that they don’t define them, or ever seriously consider them as believable or achievable. Winners can tell you where they are going, what they plan to do along the way, and who will be sharing the adventure with them."  ~ Denis Watley Having an attitude of "I can!" is very powerful.  Setting goals and having a positive mental attitude are stepping stones to success. Creating goals is simple to do yet many of us fail to do so.  Having your goals clearly in your mind is one of the most powerful ways to accomplish great things in your life.  Without goals you will not have a  road map  to success, it would be like trying to drive to LA form New York without a map or a GPS system in your car.


HOW TO SCULPT SEXY SIX PACK ABS Training abs is essential for a sexy midsection.  There are several workouts that work fast, your body is your best source of resistance, you don’t need any fancy equipment to get cut abs.  It all comes down to training faithfully at least 5 days a week and eating a clean diet.  If you train hard then do yourself a favor and eat a diet rich in protein, fresh veggies, fruits and good fats so you will be able to see your hard work pay off when you look in the mirror.


FITNESS TIP OF THE DAY I had an awesome weekend with my amazing family!  We had our family and friends over for a big celebration in honor of our oldest son's high school graduation.  After an eventful weekend with lots of good food and fun it's now time to pay the piper.  I love Monday's!  It's a new beginning to a wonderful week.  I cherish being able to start fresh with setting my fitness goals.  To start the week off right exercise first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and eat a small meal consisting of lean protein, complex carbs & veggies along with drinking a lot of purified water throughout the day. This is an excellent way to jump start your metabolism and burn away the extra calories from a festive weekend.  Happy training! :)


EMBRACE LIFE! EMBRACE LIFE TO THE FULLEST! “ The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on, rely on or blame. The gift of life is yours; it is an amazing journey; and you alone are responsible for the quality of it.” ~Dan Zadra You can create your day on purpose.  It is much easier thank you may think.  It is as simple as thinking thoughts that bring you joy and declaring your intentions with a grateful heart.  Say aloud with enthusiasm that “everything good is coming to you effortlessly”.  Joyfully embrace feelings of excitement that miracles take place daily in your life.


Carol Whitaker LOG YOUR WAY TO ACHIEVING FITNESS SUCCESS! Keeping a fitness log of your success is highly motivating.  Keeping a special  fitness journal is a fantastic tool to aid you in reaching your goals.  Keep a  log of your workout routines and meals daily.  You wouldn't try to drive to California from New York without a map, setting and planning your fitness goals is a road map to achieving great success.  When logging your meals write down your emotions you felt that day.  Pay attention to when you have cravings; was it when you were stressed or tired? Keeping track of your emotions will help you pinpoint what triggers cravings and knowing is half the battle.  When you know  what causes you to want to overeat you can create a solution to resolve the emotional issue before it happens again.


YOU CAN LOSE WEIGHT! Weight loss is an attainable goal for anyone who has the desire to improve their quality of life.  You can have a slim physique regardless of age, gender or size.  If you're tired of be overweight and exhausted all the time then now is the time to take your health & happiness into your own hands. It all begins with the desire for change.  To take the first step on your weight loss journey you must dig deep and answer the question "Why?"    Why do you want to live a healthier life?  Do you want to lose weight for you or is someone else pushing you to lose a few pounds?  If you're trying to lose weight because someone is pressuring you to, it will be next to impossible.  You may lose weight, but you will most likely gain it all back plus a few more pounds once the pressure to lose weight is eased.  You have to do it for You! 


FITNESS TIP OF THE DAY MOTIVATION! The Power of Progress Photos Are you finding it difficult to stay on track with your fitness goals?  Staying motivated is essential to achieve any fitness or weight loss goal.  A great way to stay focused is to take weekly progress photos of yourself.  It's highly rewarding to see the results of your dedication to living a fit lifestyle.  We look at ourselves differently in photos than we do when we look in the mirror.  It's an awesome feeling to see your progress and to keep you laser focused on your goals.


THE ART OF VISUALIZATION "The moment of enlightenment is when a person's dreams of possibilities become images of probabilities." - Vic Braden It’s empowering to know that you can literally alter your life experiences & physique by the power of your mind. By having positive thoughts and feelings your mind will be able to create the world of your dreams. Your thoughts are like a magnet, a simple thought will have a weak magnetic pull just like a small magnet does. A powerful thought of emotion such as joy or fear will have a much greater magnetic pull, thus it will magnetize much more of what you are thinking & feeling into your life. Our thoughts are magnetic on every level, that is why “like always attracts like”, it’s a universal law—the Law of Attraction. Being mindful of your thoughts through the power of prayer, visualization, yoga, mediation, goal setting and affirmations you will increase your inner-peace and willpower to stay focused on you


KEYS TO HEALTH, WEALTH & HAPPINESS Success can be attained in all areas of your life.  In order to be successful you must Trust, Love & Believe in YOU!  Ponder why you want Success.  Begin by listing all the areas in your life in which you would like to improve. Set 3 short term goals in each area in which you can achieve within a 2 to 4 week period.  Create an action plan to accomplish your goals, focus & work on them each day. Then celebrate & reward yourself as each goal is achieved. Believe in your inner power and allow your magnificence to exude from within you. You literally have divinity within your being ~ you are a creator!   Embrace the gift of achieving success and you will surely reap the rewards of your efforts. Keys to Success… • Love & Trust in yourself, your spouse and your creator. • Eat whole foods & exercise at least 20 to 30 minutes a day. • Dream Big! Set goals, create an action plan to attain your dreams then allow them to flow fre

Quotes of the Day: Inspirational Quotes to Uplift Your Spirit

Quotes of the Day: to Uplift Your Spirit I don't know about you, but I love to read positive quotes regularly. The energy of thoughts and words are powerful. You may have heard the saying, "You are what you think about", it has truth to it. Think about your body image and then take a look in the mirror -- do you see the resemblance?  Everything in your life is a mirror of you core beliefs. So, if you want to improve your life, then you must first improve your thoughts... A good way to do that is to read uplifting quotes often. Below are a few quotes I am inspired by, I hope they inspire you as well. :) Inspirational Quotes "The higher your energy level, the more efficient your body. The more efficient your body, the better you feel and the more you will use your talent to produce outstanding results."  ~ Anthony Robbins


YOU CAN ACCOMPLISH YOUR DREAMS! Do you dream of being fit, thin, happy & strong? Do you believe in your divine abilities to truly be able to accomplish your goals & dreams? Dreams litearlly do come true if you believe & take the steps necessary to succeed. Many people look at my life and think I have it all but in reality they don't know how often I struggle with chronic fatigue on a daily basis.  I use to have self doubt and ate the wrong foods too... But then one day I had an awakening and realized that I truly had divinity within me which meant that I was a creator! I could take charge of my health & wellness to transform my body & my life and so I did! I started out with baby steps at first which lead to bigger and bigger steps soon I found myself running free ~ it was a glorious feeling beyond expression! RELEASE SELF DOUBT & LIMITING THOUGHTS You can release limiting thoughts & beliefs and YOU can lose weight! Anyone ca


Do YOU Really Want to be Fit? I'm constantly asked how to get in shape... It's always a mental decision to begin any lifestyle change.  I decided to be fit because I wanted to be a strong mother for my children and a healthy wife for my husband.  I wanted to be free of frustrations and guilt of not fitting my clothes well.  I wanted to have more energy & feel empowered every single day.  And most of all, I wanted to believe in me!  So I made the choice to get in shape.  I decided that eating healthy food tastes a whole lot better than eating high fat foods that only made me feel worse in the morning.  After all, nothings more frustrating than working out hard in the gym only to sabatage my efforts by eating poorly - I've done it a million times and trust me it's not worth it! It's Up to YOU Decide today to take control of your health & fitness.  Believe in YOU!  Believe that you can achieve your goals!  Believe that you can have anything that you set you


GET RIPPED BEFORE SUMMER! * TIP OF THE DAY * Diet is 85% of Fitness Success How many people do you know that go to the gym everyday but never change? It’s because their diet does not support their fitness goals. I can’t stress enough about the importance of proper nutrition. It’s imperative to eat small clean wholesome meals every 3 to 4 hours. Eating the right fuel is 85% of the equation. You can do sit-ups and push ups all day long but you won’t be able to uncover those sexy abs until you burn the fat that’s covering them, and that comes from proper nutrition along with regular daily exercise. If you want to be ripped before summer then commit today to working out at least 5 days a week - no excuses.  Then eat clean whole foods -  that means stay away from canned, boxed or processed foods of any kind.  Be sure to drink plenty of water, at least 60 to 80 oz and eat protein with every meal & snack.  And have your last meal of the day by 7 pm - after that consider t


A LETTER TO MY FRIEND THE GIFT OF GRATITUDE The other day my dear friend emailed me asking for advice, she was feeling a bit low and was in need of a little TLC on how to get out of the emotional rut she was in... I gladly shared with her how to shift from a sad mood to a happy, joyful state of being. Whenever you feel overwhelmed, depressed or feel any negative emotion for that matter life can seem more difficult and frustrating. You’ll have less energy and you’ll be more fatigued than usual. By choosing to live in an Attitude of Gratitude you can literally shift your energy level from being pessimistic to optimistic. Doing so you will shift your energy frequency to a higher empowering level which in turn you’ll feel better and have tons more energy to get you through your busy day. You’ll also eat healthier, you’ll have the desire to exercise more and you’ll be much more fun to be around.


"LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST" Living a Fit, Happy lifestyle is a gift that is ultimately brought on by your thoughts, feelings & emotions. I'm passionate about living my life to the fullest in all areas of life, that includes doing something that I love dearly every single day. My greatest treasures besides my amazing family are my precious horses. They inspire me to be better, to reach higher and to believe in my dreams. When I'm with them everything I'm worried or concerned about fades away... literally. My spirit ignites with joy, true happiness and love for them and for me! They fill my spirit with ultimate happiness every single time I'm with them and for that I am truly grateful. I'm thankful not only to Page & Flash (my horses) but to the Lord, I give thanks every single day for the bountiful blessings in my life - in all areas of my life... You too can have a Fit, Happy world around you by embracing what you Love every single day. What do


How to Live a LivFit Lifestyle Good morning! I'm thrilled that it's Monday! I love beginning a new week with my fitness goals in place. Over the next few weeks I’m going to share my passion of fitness and what I do to LivFit day after day. Living a healthier, happier life is the result of putting YOU FIRST in your life. How can you fully care for your loved ones if you constantly put yourself on the backburner? By ignoring you you’ll find that your soul’s desire for self-love & affection will be filled by turning to junk food, aka "comfort foods" to fulfill your emotional needs that have not been met by YOU! And in the end the foods you turned to are not comfort at all… eating foods high in fat, sugar & sodium ultimately ends in sadness, weight gain & frustrations. By following my blog over the next few weeks I'll teach you how to live the LivFit Lifestyle . You can regain control of your life & thoughts one day at a time... I'l