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Showing posts with the label Exercise

7 Natural Remedies for Better Sleep

7 Natural Remedies for Better Sleep by Kay Carter According to the CDC , more than a third of American adults are not getting enough sleep on a regular basis. This lack of sleep (less than seven hours per day) is associated with an increased risk of developing chronic conditions such as obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and frequent mental distress. Here are seven natural remedies that can help you get better sleep. 1. Having a consistent bedtime routine To prepare your mind for sleep, develop a consistent routine that starts about an hour before your designated bedtime. This routine can include dimming the lights in your bedroom, soaking in a warm bath, lowering the bedroom temperature, and sitting down with your favorite book. Whatever your routine, make sure you follow it every night to get into a consistent habit of preparing for bed.

Create Buns & Legs of Steal at Home

Create Buns & Legs Of Steal at Home With swimsuit season just around the corner it’s time to crank it up a notch or two in the gym to sculpt lean, sexy hamstrings, glutes, calves & quads by summer. Doing lower body training is tough but highly worth every ounce of energy you use. To get results it takes motivation, dedication and determination to achieve the results of looking in shape in a swimsuit. Who wants to jiggle as the walk along the pool, I sure don’t! J


TIPS TO GET FIT Af ter the holiday’s it’s easy to lose the motivation to get back to the gym to lose the extra weight gained over the festive holiday season. I’m asked often how I've stayed in shape for over the past 20 years, it’s because I stay motivated. It takes motivation, determination and dedication to working towards your fitness goals every day. Visualize how you want to be as though you've already achieved it. Stay positive and see the good in everyone & everything, love yourself unconditionally and give to others daily to keep me on track and in line with that which I desire. To be successful in achieving your weight loss goals you must set goals to begin with. Having a focused mind set on your goals & dreams will surely l ead you to success! HOW TO BEGIN A FITNESS LIFESTYLE To begin setting goals for fitness or weight loss you have to begin with transforming your thought process & the feelings in your heart first. You


TIPS TO GET IN SHAPE! Living my LivFit Lifestyle doesn’t happen overnight it takes motivation, dedication and determination to follow through with your goals.  Unfortunately, too many people lack the motivation needed to commit  to starting or staying on track with a fitness routine day after day.  It takes time, you don’t have to train long and hard each day, you can start off slow. If you start off too fast you'll feel exhausted and may lose the desire to stay on track.  Starting is half the battle; you can begin by walking briskly for 20 minutes 5 days a week or jogging on a treadmill for 15 to 20 minutes 4 to 5 days a week. In time you find that you will have more energy and will want to exercise longer than you did the day or week before. It all comes down to loving yourself enough to want to improve your quality of life. Living a healthy lifestyle makes for a happier You! You will feel more vibrant, have better health, h


HOW TO GET MOTIVATED TO EXERCISE Staying motivated is the key to achieving your fitness goals.  It's easy to say you want to get in shape but often somewhat difficult to get motivated to follow through with your desire to  exercise  on a regular basis. When you begin to fully embrace living a healthy lifestyle by beginning slowly you will soon begin to become more focused on your desired outcome. By being laser focused on your goals and by choosing to exercise daily, whether it’s working out in a gym, going for a  jog, swimming, riding your bike or even taking your dog out for a walk, you will not only become stronger physically, but you will mentally and spiritually as well. By having a daily exercise routine in your life you will be able to go with the flow of life easier by staying motivated and committed to excellence. Below are my 10 Tips to Stay Motivated day after day.     10 TIPS TO STAY MOTIVATED 1.    MAKE YOUR WORKOUTS A HIGH PRI


HOW TO SCULPT YOUR BODY “Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.” -Lou Holtz YOU can have your dream body! Anyone can. It’s just a matter of believing in you and releasing limiting thoughts that are keeping you stuck emotionally. When negative feelings arise don’t try to fight them and hide them in the corner of your mind, instead make peace with your thoughts and create new empowering thoughts and beliefs that support your fitness goals and dreams. Thoughts, feelings and emotions are the footings and foundation to build the life and body of your dreams brick by brick. Your thoughts are the blueprints of your physique, your emotions are the materials needed and your beliefs are your workers bringing it all together to create the reality of your masterpiece which you planned and envisioned. So it is with negative thoughts as well, all thoughts and feelings are manifested into your reali


8 TIPS TO LIVING A FIT LIFESTYLE  Beginning a fitness endeavor may seem daunting at first, there's so much to learn and a lot of effort is required to reach success.  It doesn't have to be overwhelming, it simply takes committing to living healthier each new day.  Living a healthier, happier life is the result of putting YOU FIRST in your life.  How can you fully care for your loved ones if you constantly put yourself on the back burner?  By ignoring you you’ll find that your soul’s desire for self-love & affection will become emotional  hunger which will spark cravings fort junk food, aka "comfort foods" to fulfill your emotional needs that have not been met by YOU! And in the end the foods you turned to are not comforting at all… eating foods high in fat, sugar & sodium ultimately ends in sadness, weight gain & frustrations.


TOP SUPPLEMENTS FOR A RIPPED PHYSIQUE Attaining a great body that’s lean, strong and healthy is no easy task but is definitely achievable.   Most of us want to be healthier, happier and more confident.   Living a fit lifestyle is the key to achieving your dreams in all aspects of your life.   When you are in control of your mind and body you are in control of your life.   Living a fit lifestyle will not only improve your physique but your mind and spirit as well, enabling you to strive for bigger goals to create the life & body of your dreams. Having a ripped physique is a combination of genetics, good nutrition and regular strength training and cardio.   There is no question about it, if you want a fabulous body and good healths then you have to live it faithfully daily!   There are no easy short cuts; however, consuming a proper diet, exercising, getting enough sleep, and taking the proper bodybuilding supplements will assist your efforts dramatically.   Suppl


HEALTH BENEFITS OF DRINKING WATER Water is often overlooked as an intricate part of the fitness equation.  Too many people run around all day and forget to drink water.  Drinking at least 80 to 100 oz of water daily has many health benefits, not only does it keep your cell hydrated and your organs cleansed by removing toxins and waste but it also  curbs cravings and raises the metabolism, inducing weight loss.  Water hydrates the skin which will make you look younger and youthful.  When the body is well hydrated it has more energy and vitality as well.  


8 TIPS TO LIVING FIT Living a healthier, happier way of life is the result of making you a high priority.  How can you fully be the best you can be by constantly put yourself on the back burner?  By ignoring your desires you will find that your emotional hunger will increase for self-love, understanding and affection, which will ultimately lead to turning to junk food, aka "comfort foods" to fill your emotional needs that have not been met by you, and in the end the foods you turned to for comfort are not comforting at all.  Eating foods high in fat, sugar and sodium ultimately ends in sadness, weight gain and frustrations. By following my blog I'll teach you how to live the LivFit Lifestyle. You can regain control of your life & thoughts one day at a time.  You can achieve fitness success if you embrace these simple tips to living a fit.


BURN FAT NOW! If weight loss is your main fitness goal, cardiovascular training is essential to accomplish your fitness dreams. Doing cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach will burn your fat stores for energy since your glucose in the blood (blood sugar level) is extremely low from fasting during sleeping hours, so your body will turn to its own stored energy to fuel your muscles during tough workouts, that’s the goal!


TODAY'S TELECONFERENCE RECORDING Today's teleconference "You Can Create Your Life & Body of Your Dreams" was a great success.  Thank you to everyone who joined the call.  Here is the recording to the teleconference. Listen to Your Recorded Conference from the Phone... Dial - (605) 475-4099 Enter Access Code - 719817# Embrace Your Journey to Success With love, Carol Whitaker


Carol Whitaker SIX PACK ABS BY SUMMER! Who doesn’t want a noticeable six pack?   After all, we all have it, it’s just a matter of uncovering our beloved treasure.  Having a tight midsection is more than just sexy and attractive it’s a much healthier way to be.    When you are covered with a thick layer of fat around your midsection it will affect your health in several ways, diabetes 2 could be on the horizon, you could become insulin resistant, you will be sluggish and fatigued more, it interferes with sleeping patterns and you will be more apt to want to be more stationary rather than be active.  


YOU CAN HAVE YOUR DREAM BODY! “Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.” -Lou Holtz YOU can have your dream body!  Anyone can.  It’s just a matter of believing in you and releasing limiting thoughts that are keeping you stuck emotionally.  When negative feelings arise don’t try to fight them and hide them in the corner of your mind, instead make peace with your thoughts and create new empowering thoughts and beliefs that support your fitness goals and dreams. Thoughts, feelings and emotions are the footings and foundation to build the life and body of your dreams brick by brick.  Your thoughts are the blueprints of your physique, your emotions are the materials needed and your beliefs are your workers bringing it all together to create the reality of your masterpiece which you planned and envisioned. 


POWERFUL AFFIRMATIONS to Create the Body & Life of Your Dreams "I f you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can dream it, you can become it." - William Arthur Ward ~ DESIRE FOR CHANGE ~ Who doesn’t want to feel healthier?   I don’t know a single person who doesn’t want to improve their health and well being.   20 years ago I was one of the millions that desperately wanted to be healthier and fit.   I would read fitness magazines often and dream that my physique was as strong, lean & ripped just like the fitness models I read about.   It wasn’t until I became sick and tired of being sick and tired all the time that I decided to take control of my life.    I studied all I could about exercise, diet, supplementation and the power of the mind.   I soon came to realize that by controlling my thoughts and feelings I could literally achieve my fitness goals and dreams easier and with less effort.   By implementing all whic