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Showing posts with the label Attitude of Gratitude

6 Simple Tips to Stress Less During the Holidays

6 Simple Tips to Stress Less During the Holidays As delightful as the Christmas season is, with all the decorating, shopping, family get-togethers, office and friend parties, gift wrapping and gift delivering’s, the holidays can be a bit overwhelming, to say the least! I used to get all frazzled with all I had to do when the holidays came around each year until I realized how damaging “stressing out” all the time was on my body. You, too, may feel the way I use to. But, not to worry, I have some easy tips that can make the holiday season stress-free and joyful! Having an endless Christmas to-do list to top off your already busy schedule can cause unnecessary stress and anxiety; which is the last thing you want during the most wonderful time of the year . When you feel overly stressed it’s difficult to appreciate and take part in the magical spirit of Christmas and look forward to a happy and prosperous New Year.


TIPS TO  LOOK  YOUR BEST People are drawn to positive, happy people. Let your beauty shine by taking the time to look your best.  Being happy and looking your best is not only attractive, but also inspires others to do the same. When you walk with your head & chest held high with a smile on your face you will naturally have a higher self-esteem. Your body languages also express how you feel about you.


TIP OF THE DAY... Love Where You Are If you can come to love where you are in your life regardless of what you current circumstances are then you will be able to move through that which you don’t want with a sense of peace and well-being. By loving where you are you will be able to release the resistance which has been keeping you stuck to clear the way to attract what your heart longs for. 


~ HAPPY THANKSGIVING ~ THE POWER OF GRATITUDE “Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow.” ~Melody Beattie I cherish this time of year; Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. The warmth of the energy that fills the air of giving, gratitude and unselfishness is absolutely wonderful!   I relish time spent with my loving husband, children, extended family & friends, my heart overflows with love & gratitude ~ I am richly blessed beyond measure.


THANKSGIVING I cherish this time of year, Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. The warmth of the energy that fills the air of giving, gratitude and unselfishness is absolutely wonderful! I relish time spent with my loving husband, children, extended family & friends, my heart overflows with love & gratitude, I am richly blessed beyond measure. I adore gathering with my family as we give thanks for the infinite abundance Heavenly Father has blessed us with. I thoroughly enjoy & savor the delicious feast that's made with love, it fills my heart and soul with delight. It's a glorious day in every way! It's also a day to forget all the clean eating rules. You don't need to worry about the weight that you'll gain, you can lose it within two weeks (by living the LivFit Lifestyle), unfortunately it comes on much quicker than it comes off. You don't need to worry about the fat grams or the high sugar desserts that you'll most likely pig out o


A LETTER TO MY FRIEND THE GIFT OF GRATITUDE The other day my dear friend emailed me asking for advice, she was feeling a bit low and was in need of a little TLC on how to get out of the emotional rut she was in... I gladly shared with her how to shift from a sad mood to a happy, joyful state of being. Whenever you feel overwhelmed, depressed or feel any negative emotion for that matter life can seem more difficult and frustrating. You’ll have less energy and you’ll be more fatigued than usual. By choosing to live in an Attitude of Gratitude you can literally shift your energy level from being pessimistic to optimistic. Doing so you will shift your energy frequency to a higher empowering level which in turn you’ll feel better and have tons more energy to get you through your busy day. You’ll also eat healthier, you’ll have the desire to exercise more and you’ll be much more fun to be around.