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Showing posts from April, 2013


THE POWER OF FITNESS JOURNALS Logging your fitness success is incredibly motivating to help you stay on track day after day. There are several ways to log your success, the best of which is keeping a diet/fitness journal and taking progress. I kept fitness journals for years, it helps me stay laser focused on my goals and keeps me in the "fitness zone". Taking progress photos is empowering! To see your body transform little by little is highly motivating.  It’s a great way to stay focused on your fitness goals week after week.

Top 5 Natural Weight Loss Supplements

   Top 5 Natural Weight Loss Supplements  With swimsuit season around the corner, now is the time to get back in shape and lose the extra weight gained over winter. The quickest way to lose weight is to eat a clean, exercise each weekday for at least 30 to 45 minutes and take natural weight loss supplements.  By adding supplements to your daily nutritional regimen, you will see the scale go down sooner as your body becomes leaner faster. Below are 5 of the best natural weight loss supplements to help you get rid of the stubborn fat around your belly and hips. 


Change Your Mindset to Change Your Life It  doesn't  matter what area you want to improve life using mind power will sure change that which you desire. From having more loving relationships to making more money, your mind is your greatest tool of creation. It  deliberately  putting the Law of Attraction into action ~ like always attracts like.  By thinking on purpose with clarity and intention you will shift your dominate vibration to that of faith, confidence and belief. The mind is an extremely powerful instrument of creation; in fact, everything in life that is attainable begins with a thought first—including a hard body!  That’s because all thoughts are energy which goes out into the Universe and organizes matter which is then attracted back to you—in all areas of life.

Manifest Your Dreams with Energy of Thought

  Manifest Your Dreams with Energy of  Thought I love that we can innately create and manifest our lives intentionally with purpose, passion and conviction. All thought is energy which has a vibrational frequency that vibrates out into the universe organizing unorganized energy matter which then is attracted manifested back to our experiences as the Law of Attraction is in action.  Happy, blissful thoughts bring about happy feelings and high vibrations which then creates a happy life, and so it is with having negative thoughts, it too has energy; however, it's a low daunting energy which attracts back to you more reasons to be negative about. When you let go of negativity you open your heart and mind to that of spirit which brings about love, contentment and serenity.

Create Buns & Legs of Steal at Home

Create Buns & Legs Of Steal at Home With swimsuit season just around the corner it’s time to crank it up a notch or two in the gym to sculpt lean, sexy hamstrings, glutes, calves & quads by summer. Doing lower body training is tough but highly worth every ounce of energy you use. To get results it takes motivation, dedication and determination to achieve the results of looking in shape in a swimsuit. Who wants to jiggle as the walk along the pool, I sure don’t! J

How to Eat a Clean Diet

How to Eat a Clean Diet Most everyone has heard the terminologies 'eating clean' or 'a clean diet'. To the fitness enthusiast it's a way of life and not a ‘diet’, yet too many people think of eating clean as a negative way of eating. Often you'll hear people trying to eat healthier say, “I can’t have this or this or this…” which is deprivation in the mind as they think of it as restrictions rather than as a powerful diet which can improve their health and wellness dramatically.   I began eating a clean diet over two years ago and have loved the benefits for doing so. When I was young I was very sick, all throughout my teenage years and into my early 20s. It wasn't until I changed my diet from the typical adolescent diet filled with chips, soda, fast foods and sugar that my body began to heal and gain more energy and vitality.  At first it was a bit confusing and difficult to do, but as soon as I began feeling better by simply changing small aspects of