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Showing posts from December, 2008

Christmas is over...

It's hard to believe that Christmas has come and gone already! I love this time of year so much, it's no fun to think it's already over. We had such a wonderful Christmas eve at my parents home. We enjoyed a delicious dinner and then we all sat down to watch the grandchildren put on a nativity program as my brother-in-law read the scriptures of Christ's birth. It was so sweet. Then we sang Christmas carol's and handed out gifts. I have the most amazing parents ever, I'm grateful we live close to them, they mean the world to me. And then to top it off we had a wonderful Christmas day filled with lots of good times with family and friends. We are so blessed to have all that we have in life. One of my dear friends sent me this beautiful video of the true meaning of Christmas. It touched my heart deeply. autoplay =0 May the spirit of Christmas last in your heart and homes for months to come. And may all your dreams come tr


TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE Do you want to improve your life? Do you want your dreams to come true? Then take control of your life through your thoughts, feelings, emotions & attitude. You can have it all! Health, wealth and happiness. The choice is yours... Watch this... . Sincerely believe in your dreams. Dreams really do come true!


It's not quite New Years yet and you probably haven't thought about your new years resolution, but now is actually a great time to think about what goals you want to accomplish for the new year. One of the main questions I'm asked is how to get rock-hard abs. I'm going to share with you my secrets of success. This year you can add having a coveted six pack to your list of resolutions! You can have a tight, sexy middle by following my Six Pack Ab program. By committing to it you will have a killer washboard stomach. It's not easy but it's well worth your time and energy to work towards such a lofty goal. First you need to look at your family's genes. What is your physique like now? How about your family, what are your parents and siblings figures like? Does your family carry most of their weight in their abdominal area or the bottom half? If you carry your weight mainly around the middle then it will take you a bit longer to see your six pack than those that